Functional groups of atoms remain embedded within the structure of an organic molecule and impart specific chemical properties to the compound. The bond connectivity of the atoms in a functional group determines their chemical nature and reactivity. It is very important for us to iden...
Protein clusters containing more than two proteins were circled together. Proteins showing higher abundance (positive log2Fold values) in Type I versus Type II were presented in Red; Proteins showing lower abundance (negative log2Fold values) in Type I versus Type II were presented in Blue. The...
Organic compounds can be named systematically or commonly. When naming organic compounds systematically, IUPAC rules are followed wherein the longest continuous chain with the highest priority group is identified and serves as the parent name. In ...
Herein we introduce a high-throughput method, INTERFACE, to reveal the capacity of contiguous RNA nucleotides to establish in vivo intermolecular RNA interactions for the purpose of functional characterization of intracellular RNA. INTERFACE enables simultaneous accessibility interrogation of an unlimited numbe...
3c), a few genes that were not part of the thistle2 module, but were essential to create network connections, were also found to be significant (3.4 × 10−2 ≤ P ≥ 4.8 × 10−2) in the gene-based tests (circled in red; Fig. 4c). This suggests possible ...
DLL, which is downregulated in T-47D upon BMP4 treatment, is circled with red. (PDF 256 kb) Additional file 9: Table S8. Primers used for DNase-seq. Table S9. Primer sequences for qRT-PCR based expression analyses of BMP4 target genes and transcription factors. (DOCX 19 kb)...
These clusters contain 57 of our genes (circled in bold) and a total of 919 genes. We performed GO enrichment analyses for each cluster and found that six out of ten clusters are either directly or indirectly linked to multiciliogenesis or, more broadly, to ciliogenesis. Cluster 1, while ...
The functional consequences of BMP signaling depend on the BMP ligand and tissue type. We and others have shown that BMP4 reduces the proliferation of breast cancer cell lines, while simultaneously inducing migration and invasion in a subset of cell lines [9–11]. Similar dualistic effects upon...