While many snakes have stripes running the length of their body, only a few species in the United States have a distinct stripe running down the center of their back. Correctly identifying the type of snake is a simple process since the color of the stripe varies from species to species. U...
- Banned pets: lion, tiger, leopard, jaguar, bear, non-native venomous snake Kansas bans large cats, bears, and non-native venomous snakes. Legal exotic pets come with stringent requirements, including registration fees, inspections, insurance coverage, and a written recovery plan in the event ...
- Banned pets: possession of dangerous animals regulated by cities and counties In North Carolina, counties and cities can, by ordinance, regulate, restrict, or prohibit the possession of dangerous animals. Unique bans in the state include the ringtail, a mammal of the raccoon family, and the ...
Following a trackway is thus paradoxical from a temporal point of view: it is necessary to interpret past actions by what remains of them while being prospective. For the present of the tracker is the past of the being he seeks; the present of the latter being the future of the former. ...