What Darwin could not see: island formation and historical sea levels shape genetic divergence and island biogeography in a coastal marine species Article Open access 03 July 2023 Past and present drivers of population structure in a small coastal fish, the European long snouted seahorse Hippocamp...
Satellite observations of main oceanographic processes to identify ecological association in the Northern Arabian Sea for fishery resources exploration. Hydrobiologia 612: 269-279.Solanki, H.U., Mankodi, P.C., Dwivedi, R.M., Nayak, S.R., 2008. Satellite observations of main oceanographic ...
Thirteen percent of SHS were recaptured throughout the period of the study. Compared to fish studies, this rate is quite high. Indeed, for instance, in their summary of tag and recapture data for 33 species of sharks from the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Cooperative Shark Tagging ...
Most common textile fibers are denser than seawater: for example, polyester has a density of 1.39 g/cm3[119]. Consequently, microfibers and other microplastics eventually sink (vertical deposition) and have therefore been detected in sediments [115] and in the deep sea [120]. Seafloor currents...
humpback whales and penguins will go to places where they can feed on krill, whereaselephant sealsand albatrosses go where they can find fish, squid, or other prey. If all these predators and their diverse prey are found in the same place, then this area has both high diversity and abunda...
According to the MEROPS database (http://merops.sanger.ac.uk), the T. sinensis venom metalloprotease, identified by the proteomic approach, belongs to the M12B subfamily, whose components are able to regulate processes related to neoplastic progression in mammals, such as immune ...
identify动— 确定动 · 查明动 · 识别动 · 确认动 · 指明动 · 找出动 · 认为...(与...)有关联动 · 认同动 · 察觉动 · 认出动 · 分辨出动 · 是...的标志动 · 体会动 · 理解动 · 发觉动 identify— 辨识 · 鉴定 ·
通讯预告水月肉鸽kv图解密因为发通讯的时候在坐车没心思解密,结果回到家之后发现早就有人解密完了 最上面是已经解密过的Mizuki and caerula arbor(水月与苍蓝乔木[暂译]) 中间是集成战略的英文名Integration strategy 重点是下面一大串,经过我自己辨识为: The luminous sea is a whole living three-dimensional sea ...
these developments should also aim to facilitate the use of reduced mass tags on individuals to minimise potential deleterious effects [201]. Biologging studies are also biased towards mammals, and to a lesser extent fish and birds [202]; efforts should be made to increase the diversity of spec...
we hypothesized that HMMs would be able to effectively distinguish between these two flight modes as well as identify when birds were sitting on water or land. Our specific objectives were to: 1) classify albatross behavior at sea into three major movement modes: ‘flapping flight’, ‘soaring ...