Welcome to PlantMe - an accurate and reliable plant identifier! Get ready to discover and learn about new plant species, precisely recognize & treat plant disea…
more Thomson105,05/16/2024 It hasn’t recognized a single leaf I don’t think this ap has ever gotten into the garden, or the woods, or anywhere near growing things. I’ve tried many times. Terrible ,same plant picture twice thru plant lens each time different genus and still didn’t...
I was skeptical so I tried it on 8 different house plants. 7 of those still had the ID and care info from the greenhouse and 1 was unknown. This app correctly identified 6 of the known plants and the unknown plant. The 1 plant it missed had the correct name listed as second choice ...
NatureID is an excellent hobbyist tool with a striking mix of technology and nature. The magic of plant identification will reveal the secret of a tree by its leaf, help recognize all mysterious seedlings in your garden and save you from pulling a flower by mistake. And if you travel often...
If it’s a flowering plant include a picture of the flower/flowers and a picture of a leaf/leaves. A picture of the whole plant and its stem would also be very helpful. Disclaimer: We may use pictures sent to us on our website or forum for a specific plant. We will not include an...
Plant specimens were identified by graduate-level botanists and photographed during multiple stages of their growth cycles. LeafSnap, PictureThis, PI@ntNet and PlantSnap were used to identify the plants. Results: Overall accuracy of the applications in identifying plant genus was 76% (95% confidence...
Using this app is incredibly simple. Snap a photo of the plant you are hoping to identify and let PictureThis do the work. The app tells you the name of the plant and all necessary information, including potential pests, diseases, watering tips, and more. It also provides you with waterin...
13.Results Three alkaloids were isolated from the plant.They wereidentifiedas N-methylcytisine(1),lupanine(2),sophocarpine(3). 结果从百蕊草总生物碱部位分离得到3个化合物,分别鉴为N-甲基金雀花碱(1)、白金雀儿碱(2)和槐果碱(3)。 14.The policeidentifiedthe murderer from a smudge of blood on...
Many herbs have a very similarleaf structure, especially if the plant is not too developed. Another herb that has a look-alike cousin is oregano. Look at the leaves of the two herbs in the image below. Can you see how easily it would be to get confused between the two?
Sections can be from a few mm to ~20cm in diameter. The exterior of Japanese knotweed roots is dark brown, and the inside is orange/yellow. They are easy to snap (like a carrot). Japanese knotweed is a rhizomatous plant, which means that it relies on a fleshy network of underground ...