Conclusion: By using our institute database, we establish a risk stratification system for identifying sub-group of pN0 BC patients, who are at high risk for developing recurrence. The results of our study support tailored RT decisionmaking according to individual risks, which neede...
Ramaswamy V, Remke M, Bouffet E, Bailey S, Clifford SC, Doz F et al (2016) Risk stratification of childhood medulloblastoma in the molecular era: the current consensus. Acta Neuropathol 131:821–831. Article CAS PubMed Central PubMed Google Scho...
Therefore, there is an urgent need to discover biomarkers that can be used for better diagnosis, risk stratification, and clinical management of bladder cancer patient. Currently, the emergence of immunotherapy provides a new approach for cancer treatment. Currently, immunotherapies used for bladder ...
mainly triglycerides, in the liver and components of the metabolic syndrome, which can lead to cirrhosis and liver cancer. While there is solid epidemiological evidence that MASLD clusters with cardiometabolic disease, several leading genetic risk factors for MASLD do not increase the ...
This model, which uses less invasive liquid biopsies and is based on molecular techniques such as genomics, metabolomics and immunomics, is expected to refine existing diagnostic methods and enable risk stratification and personalized treatment. It has been shown that identifying BPH and early PCA ...
A further 108,308 cis-eQTLs (15%) that had near-threshold P-values in one tissue (P < 0.001) and were significant in another tissue demonstrated 95% consistency, suggesting that even looser cis-eQTL discovery thresholds would still yield additional significant eQTLs. We observed an ...
HLA risk alleles explain 40% of the genetic component of CeD, so there have been continuing efforts to uncover non-HLA loci that can explain the remaining heritability. As in most autoimmune disorders, the prevalence of CeD is significantly higher in women. Here, we investigated the possible ...
arbitrarily defined parameterizations of genetic effects with non-additive gene actions may explain the same degree of genetic variation as the currently prevailing additive model. Thus, while using additive genetic models such as polygenic risk scores to predict individual quantitative or qualitative phenot...
The purpose of this review was to identify potential candidate predictors of anxiety in women with early-stage breast cancer (BC) after adjuvant treatments and evaluate methodological development of existing multivariable models to inform the future development of a predictive risk stratification model (...
In T-SEM, the structural model is then added on top of the genomic measurement model in order to relate tissue-specific gene expression to the latent variables, and the latent variables to one another when >1 latent variable is estimated. The structural model in T-SEM can be expressed as ...