When it comes to the most common North American trees, the red alder is number one. Also known as Alnus rubra, its Latin name, this deciduous tree can be identified by oval-shaped leaves with serrated edges and a defined tip, as well as rust-red bark. Mature red alders range from abou...
Some tree species display more than one type of leaf structure, while other trees clearly display the same leaf structure throughout. Trees with especially unique leaves include ginkgo, sassafras, yellow poplar, and mulberry. Here, we explore the various classifications that foresters study when ide...
Each clue slide comes with information about the texture, size, and colour of the trees’ leaves, as well as where in the country they can be found. While some trees are evergreen, they can be distinguished by the hardness of their needles and whether they grow in groups or individually....
In his publication,Deciduous Trees& Shrubs of Central Minnesota, Stephen G. Saupe, Ph.D., biology professor, has offered silhouettes of some of the common species in Minnesota as well as throughout North America. These diagrams were designed to help his studentsstudy leaf form. Here are some ...
There are approximately 450 species of oak trees (Quercus spp.) that occur in temperate areas around the globe, of which about 60 are native to North America. Oak tree leaves can be used for species identification. To identify an oak tree by leaf, note the size of the leaf, the...
The app describes in detail native American trees and shrubs showing the full tree, bark, flower, fruit, and leaves. The idea for this app originated from our shared passion for nature in order to provide like-minded with a comprehensive and helpful tool to observe, identify, and map tre...
Oak leaftier caterpillars are quite small, measuring only half an inch in length. They are greenish-yellow in color and have a dark brown head. These are one of the caterpillars frequently seen suspended from oak trees by silk threads. Affected leaves will be deformed, sparse and full of ho...
With more than 600 species of oaks (Quercus spp.) located across North America, Europe, North Africa and Asia, identifying one particular species from another can be a challenging task. Although some species have wildly different leaves than other species, multiple trees in the same speci...
Did you plant trees this year? yes no DWalker44/iStock/Getty Images Recognize a pecan tree by its height. These are the tallest of the nut trees in North America, with some growing to heights approaching 140 feet. The pecan has compound leaves, a common feature in nut trees, with each...
Random Forest (RF), which is an ensemble algorithm based on decision trees33. Using low-correlated weak models can produce ensemble predictions with high accuracy. We choose parameters to avoid overfitting on a small dataset. (n_estimators = 40, min_sample_split = 0.4, min samples_...