Since ancient times, individuals excelling in any field of human endeavour have been the subject of broad fascination and admiration serving as role models and inspiring others to reach their own highest potential. Naturally, excellent individuals generate considerable interest also for psychologists and ...
From Literature and expert knowledge (see Table11), we formulated assumptions concerning the aspects of language that might characterize PTSD and associated symptoms. We then translated these hypotheses into quantitative measures that we extracted using human annotation and common NLP resources. We call ...
One of the big problems with transmedicalism as a concept is its potential for “friendly fire.” When you use dysphoria as this “infallible” meter stick, you actually end up excluding a lot of trans people who are traumatized or vulnerable, and arguably most in need of ...
19for the first time in 30 years. Estimates from the United Nations Development Programme indicate a sharp reduction in the Human Development Index in 2020 for the first time since its introduction in 199020. Large shares of the populations are employed in the informal sector, with estimates ...
In fact, during most of 2023, tax receipts have declined, making the GDP numbers seem suspiciously high. We are actually in the first quarter of fiscal 2024, October through December 2023, and the deficit is at a record level other than the first CV-19 year, and is far above original ...
During the COVID-19 pandemic, evidence has accumulated that movement restrictions enacted to combat virus spread produce disparate consequences along socioeconomic lines. We investigate the hypothesis that people engaged in financially secure employment
UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan visited the troubled Darfur region of western Sudan Thursday to consider ways to end the humanitarian crisis. More than a million people have been displaced in Darfur because of violence that human rights groups blame on government-backed militias. Kofi Annan spoke ...
Watch Me Grow – Electronic Platform (WMG-E) is an example of one such innovative platform that can help health services reach vulnerable families in their homes, in the community, or during opportunistic contacts (e.g. immunisation) with health professionals such as General Practitioners (GPs) ...
(ISACs), Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs), and managed security service providers on monitoring cyberattacks and other threat intelligence. Often part of the security organization, the CSIRT leads the response to major incidents and during those emergencies may take temporary control of ...
In this, section some examples of benchmarking contributions will be reviewed. Herbst et al. [17] discuss benchmarking in cloud computing, which in recent years has become a significant part of information and communication technology. Benchmarks play an important role as evaluation tools during ...