House Plant Identification: Send details about your house plant so we can help identify it for you. Send pictures and information.
See also: Houseplant Care: 12 Tips for Healthy Indoor PlantsCOMMON HOUSEPLANT BUGSPhoto by: flocki / Shutterstock APHIDS Aphids are small pear-shaped pests and can be a variety of colors, including green, yellow, brown, black, or even pink. Aphids will typically be found feasting on the...
Most indoor plants have heart-shaped, elongated or even blade-like leaves, and few have perfectly round leaves. If you’re trying to identify a houseplant with round leaves, you’ll need to look at its other characteristics, such as the color of the leaves, the plant’s growth habit, it...
Woolly aphids are unlikely to attack houseplants or other plants, such as citrus, which are usually grown indoors in the UK. If you have clusters of white on a houseplant, it is more likely to be mealy bug or scale insects. The white growth of the woolly aphid has a similarly soft and...
Throughout Seek, you can also earn badges for different varieties of plants and animals. Next time that you're outside, be sure to bring your phone and app with you. Between Seek and Merlin ID, I spend time recording bird noises and taking pictures of plants to learn more about mother ...
Young plants will have smaller, heart-shaped leaves with a purple hue, while mature plants have long, pointed leaves that appear very green. (For more pictures,click here.) Harvesting Nettles The best time to harvest nettlesis the first few weeks after they come up in the spring before they...
Houseflies The housefly is a nuisance pest that can spread diseases such as food poisoning and dysentery. They are gray-colored and about 1/4-inch long. They are attracted to trash, manure, carrion, and moist areas, and can spread bacteria from those areas to parts of your home. Proper...
Attract Braconid wasps with flowering plants that have small flowers, such as dill, fennel, parsley, daisies, marigolds, or wild carrots. 7. Butterflies PublicDomainPictures |Pixabay What butterflies look like Unless you’ve lived under a rock your whole life, you’re probably familiar with what...
Hold the pictures of the remaining candidates next to the cocoon you encountered. Pay attention to the way the cocoon is hanging from the tree and how tightly woven the thread is.
5. These books use simple, hand-drawn pictures of "sad faces" and "happy faces" to illustrate ways people can prevent AIDS. (Para.9) Meaning: Simple pictures of "sad faces" and "happy faces", drawn by hand, are used in these books to show how people can prevent AIDS. ...