Jouf- frais, "Assistive device for the blind based on ob- ject recognition: an application to identify currency bills," Assets '09: Proceedings of the 11th interna- tional ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers and accessibility, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, pp. 227-228, 2009...
wherein the ticket or credit slip may be redeemed for its monetary value via a cashier, a kiosk, or other suitable redemption system; (b) a bill dispenser configured to dispense paper currency; (c) a coin dispenser configured to dispense coins or tokens (such as into a coin payout tray...
castingboard consistsof:pro,Chinesecharacters,Ningxia,andsun,with theoriginal,rivereast,andthistle,Chang,Zhejiang,Shanxi twelve.It'sabout2.8centimetersandweighs4-5grams.In ordertomakemoneyShunzhifivetypefifthtypefullChinese moneythebestcopperflowmoisture,savemostintheworld. Besides,therearetenbigmoneybillsthat...
When you pay for a taxi or a souvenir, you hand the vendor a large note. Of course – you’ve just arrived and you have no small bills in your pocket. The vendor goes to give you change, then looks at the bill and proclaims that you gave them a 10, not a 100, and you need ...