The amino acid chains of BARD1 and BRCA1 were imported into the Google Colab Version of AlphaFold V2.2.4,56,70 powered by Python 3 Google Compute Engine. AlphaFold applied a multimer model in response to the duo-sequence imputation, then searched the genetic database to determine the best ...
Protein identification was performed by direct nanoLC–MS/MS analysis of the corresponding peptide mixtures. Mass spectral data were processed with the A ndromeda44 search engine and then compared with the "T. sinensis protein database", lead- ing to the identification of the proteins ...
Tencent Kubernetes Engine History Introduction API Category Making API Requests Request Structure Common Params Signature v3 Signature Responses Elastic Cluster APIs CreateEksLogConfig Resource Reserved Coupon APIs DescribeReservedInstanceUtilizationRate Cluster APIs AcquireClusterAdminRole CreateClusterEndpoint Create...
Does it have a rotary engine or some other unusual feature? Was it made with an unusual material, such as carbon fiber, fiberglass, or stainless steel? How much horsepower do the different trims have? Was the design wildly popular or a short-lived flop? It won't help you tell which is...