the local identities of signature domains in PII have been highly conserved and crystallography studies indicate the same is true of the tertiary structure of PII (Merrick2014). All PII proteins are homotrimers with a core subunit forming a cylindrical structure connected by T-loops....
Some green caterpillars, like the monarch butterfly larvae that eat milkweed (Asclepias spp., U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 to 9), have coevolved with specific plants that become their sole source of food. If the damage to your grass or plants is not too ...
some are tightly woven, and some have multiple layers. Caterpillars add protection to their cocoons by shedding their larval hairs and weaving them into the cocoon's silk. This
Cellulase genes are also absent from the recently sequenced genomes of two butterflies, the Monarch Danaus plexippus and the Postman Heliconius melpomene, whose caterpillars are herbivorous feeding on milkweed and passion flower respectively[8, 9]. On the other hand, the association between wood-...
Written by s •Diseases of Pine Trees Planting a tree is an action full of hope. We hope that our tree will grow and flourish, living out its life – which will certainly be decades, and perhaps even a hundred years or more – free of problems that threaten it. This is usually true...