identify areas of cost opportunities更多: 翻译结果(简体中文)1: 确定成本的机会领域更多: 翻译结果(简体中文)2: 确定成本机会的领域更多: 翻译结果(简体中文)3: 识别领域的机会成本更多:
To study these interactions, we performed a state‐of‐the‐art matrix analysis to obtain internal, structural, and environmental factors from literature. Then, an interpretative structural framework was built as a model to identify opportunities in the collaboration process. The results are presented ...
business strategy wouldidentifythoseaspectsoftraining and related areas of demand that might be met by APCICT. 了 解到区域信通技术培训市场正在不断增长和发展,业务战略将确定信通技 术培训中心的培训方面和可满足的相关需求领域。
Areas requiring further analysis included: projected support costs for the next triennium and reallocation of resources; quantitative analysis of issues identified during interviews with agencies; harmonization of reporting requirements across MEAstoidentify opportunitiesforsynergy and avoid overlaps; assessment ...
Country-specificfactorstypicallyincludethosethatwouldindicatethemarket’soverallbuyingpower,forexample,population,grossnationalproductintotalandpercapita,totalexportsandimports,andproductionofcement,electricity,andsteel.Product-specificfactorsnarrowtheanalysistothefirm’sspecificareasofoperation.2.EstimatingMarketPotential ...
He outlined six key areas where China should focus: capturing specific aspects of uncertain growth through policy innovation, identifying opportunities in energy transition and digital economy development, reducing the urban-rural gap to boost residents' consumption rates, creating a financial system aligne...
Session recordings enable you to delve into the 'why' behind these areas of friction, empowering your team to craft targeted solutions that fill business gaps and align your product more closely with market demand. Hotjar Recordings helps you identify opportunities to optimize and improve your curren...
of VAW in those locations. Four broad features were identified in the urban built environment during the site visits linked to the facilitation of opportunities for the commission of VAW: (1) lacking infrastructure, (2) presence of physical obstacles, (3) poor visibility and (4) restricted ...
Consider providing customers with brief customer satisfaction (CSAT) surveys to gauge their satisfaction with your support touchpoints and the quality of service they receive. These surveys can provide valuable insights into areas needing improvement and highlight successful interactions. Additionally, ...
For example, a target market could be "eco-conscious millennials who live in urban areas and enjoy outdoor activities." ● Target Audience: Your target audience is a more specific group within your target market. It's the segment you want to connect with through a parti...