This practice page will guide you through various exercises designed to reinforce your knowledge of descriptive, quantitative, demonstrative, and possessive adjectives. By working through these exercises, you’ll improve your ability to recognise and use adjectives effectively, boosting both your writing a...
The English language can be seemingly difficult to learn. However, once you grasp the parts of speech in a sentence, you are on your way to mastering reading and writing. Traditionally, there are eight parts of speech in English grammar: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, pronoun...
A fused sentence occurs when two independent clauses are included in one sentence with no proper punctuation between them. Usually, a few quick additions of proper punctuation can fix them. Fused Sentences and Run-On Afused sentenceis a type of run-on sentence. You have probably heard ofrun...
and they always modify nouns. Students can identify adjectives in the sentence by looking at the nouns and recognizing words that describe them. In the sentence above, we see that the kitten is “cold” and “hungry.” We also see that the basket...
A complement provides further informationabout the subject or object and is necessary to complete the meaning of the verb. For example, in the sentence "She painted the wall blue," "the wall" is the direct object, whereas "blue" is a complement describing the object. 3. Adjectives and ...
The verb of a sentence can also be a linking verb, such as the verb to be, linking the subject to other nouns or adjectives. The lack of a complete thought in a sentence makes a reader anticipate more information. A simple sentence contains a subject and a predicate. The predicate of ...
They are workhorses in a sentence, offering a more nuanced description of the action taking place or the feeling that an action creates. Adverb examples include safely, badly, soon, often and enough. Knowing more about this part of speech can help you wr
He threw the ball, and so 'ball', is the object in this sentence. So the complete equation or rule will be that the subject S does the verb V to the object O. Find other parts of speech, for example adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions, in a similar way, but the basic form of ...