是因为你的hourm和print没有声明,如果不想声明,就把 print 写在最前面,然后hourm,然后yeard,最后main就可以执行了。具体如下:include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include // extra includeint print(int *year,int *day,int *hour,int *minu){ printf("The date is %i, the %i day...
如果你的VC工程使用了预编译头选项,那么在你的任何源代码文件中都要把#include "stdafx.h"放到最前面。否则编译器就会给你莫名其妙的错误。预编译头开关:在你的项目点属性-》配置属性-》C\C++ -》预编译头。
你的几个函数都没有错误的,都可以运行,我刚才也在软件上试了一下,没有错误。没有问题 个人认为你可能是建立工程的时候什么地方搞错了或者头文件有问题。
identifier not found error on function call 在C++工程中,自定义一个方法 void fgetsDemo(),在main 方法中调用,源代码如下: View Code 编译,出现 error C3861: 'fgetsDemo': identifier not found,即标示符未找到的错误。 在C++ 中,要调用变量或方法,需要提前声明。 编译器会从上到下的读取你的源代码,如果...
错误6error C3861: 'CoInitializeEx': identifier not found 解决: 在出错代吗文件前面添加以下代码: #define _WIN32_DCOM #include <dshow.h> #include <windows.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <objbase.h> 如果不行,再添加下行代码引用库文件: ...
identifier not found in CCS debug Ben Ma Prodigy80points Other Parts Discussed in Thread:CC430F5137 Hi, all, I am facing a strange problem. I declared 4 variables a,b,c,d in a program, a and b are global and c and d are local, when I run the program, I can only see the valu...
get the same error: a.ccp(5) : error c3861: 'exit': identifier not found. Tuesday, March 28, 2006 7:58 PM Note: i followed up with your question about how to use /P earlier in this thread. Perhaps this is another avenue worth trying....
error C3861: 'round': identifier not found There is no round function in <cmath> for windows. Instead, you have to implement it yourself. This is rather easy, however: C++ Syntax (Toggle Plain Text) 1. inline double round ( double d ...