Drawing upon both internal evidence and external confirmation afforded by new statistical "wordprinting" techniques, the editors present a compelling case for Hobbes's authorship. Saxonhouse and Reynolds present the complete texts of the discourse with full annotations and modernized spellings. These ...
completed "Intellectual measure – children choose selection of participants at Metacognition and Achievement Responsibility" between internal and external this age level; instrument and mathematics strategy use. (IAR) scales in Sept. and attributions as causes of scoring described well; Purpose: to ...
The main responsibilities of the regional tier of the new system have nowbeenidentified asthefollowing, and will henceforth take priority over all other activities previously carried out by regional bureaux/advisers: (i) provision of expertise and internal staff capacity-building (in coordination with...
An examination revealed that leaders often concentrate on the operational elements of dividing transformational leadership responsibilities for TWH, whereas employees often prioritize their internal cognitive capacities and motivational factors. Potential methods to promote shared transformational leadership based on...
To compare the clinical characteristics between the training and internal validation sets, we utilized the chi-square test. Additionally, for variables that did not follow a normal distribution, we employed the Wilcoxon test as a nonparametric approach to assess differences between them. We set the ...
The T-Cell Internal Antigen1 (TIA1) and the Transforming Growth Factor Alpha (TGFA) are located in the genomic region of 2.91 to 3.01Mb on GGC22. TIA1 is a regulator of pre-mRNA splicing and mRNA translation, and it has been shown to be involved in the formation of stress granules ...
T1aCC were identified using Rhodamine Dextran 3000 in the internal electrode solution. The position of the cell in the ganglion remains consistent across genotypes and preparations. Landmarks such as the horizontal tracheal tracts and presence of the first perisympathetic organ were used to identify ...
Multiple vulnerabilities have been identified in Blender which could lead to arbitrary code execution. These vulnerabilities manifest as a result of improperly parsing and handling files in Blender, leading to multiple potential integer overflow or buffer overflow conditions. These vulnerabilities are listed...
Cancer cell lines responded differentially to type I interferon treatment in models of oncolytic therapy using vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV). Two opposite cases were considered in this study, glioblastoma DBTRG-05MG and osteosarcoma HOS cell lines exh
It was found that self-efficacy, subjective norms, experience, and enjoyment were the external variables most frequently used in TAM, while internal motivation received minimal attention. The existing studies have focused mainly on student samples, so further investigation is needed into lecturers, ...