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€55 * Buy Profile Note: Adis is an information provider. We do not sell or distribute actual drugs. Final gross price and currency may vary according to local VAT and billing address. Your purchase entitles you to full access to the information contained in our drug profile at the ...
OR-55 Switch Removal Tool, Idec HW Series Switches and Pilot Devices IDEC 数量价钱 (含税) 1+CNY18.800 (CNY21.244) 2500+CNY18.730 (CNY21.1649) 包装规格: 添加 最少:1 / 多个:1 OR-55. LAMP/LED REMOVAL TOOL, SW/PILOT DEVICE 数量价钱 (含税) ...
orexceed55°C.Ifthetemperaturedoesexceed55°C,useafanor cooler. MounttheMicroSmartonaverticalplaneasshownatright.MountingClip BNL6P Toeliminateexcessivetemperaturebuild-up,provideampleventi- lation.DonotinstalltheMicroSmartnear,andespeciallyabove, anydevicewhichgeneratesconsiderableheat,suchasaheater, transformer...
Price : €55 * Buy Profile Note: Adis is an information provider. We do not sell or distribute actual drugs. Final gross price and currency may vary according to local VAT and billing address. Your purchase entitles you to full access to the information contained in our drug profile ...
Cautionnoticesareusedwhereinattentionmightcausepersonalinjuryordamageto 8与中是马名 人waRNING 。Thisproductisnotdesignedforuseinapplicationsrequiringahighdegreeofreliabilityandsafety,suchas applicationsformedicaldevices,nuclearpower,railroads,aerospaceyandautomotivedevices.Thisproduct shouldnotbeusedforsuchapplications,...
trace, update and log FL1F SmartRelay variables 6th-Generation IDEC SmartRelay BASE MODULE GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS transformers or noise filters. Use of a surge protection device (DEHN + SÖHNE GmbH + Co, BVT AD 24 Part No. 918 402) is recommended.2:Tightening torque 0.5 to 0.6N·m ...
Gold-clad Silver contacts for reliable low level switching Snap action contacts IP40 (dustproof) or IP65 (oiltight) versions 1. AC Inductive Load, PF = 0.6 – 0.7; DC Inductive Load, L/R = 7ms.2. LED lamp contains a built-in current limiting resistor and a protection diode.3. ...
Idec和泉自动复位旋钮开关1NO端子触点选择开关CW1S-21E10选型样本说明书.pdf,ø22 CW ø22 CW 2.5mm • IDEC (平头形or 凸头形) (标准旋钮型 or 长柄旋钮型) 2位·3位 另具备黑色框型 另具备黑色框型 另具备黑色框型 (标准旋钮型) (长柄旋钮型) 极力控制操作