Focuses on proposals made by the Alliance to Save Energy's president David Nemtzow to the United States Congress to curb the energy crisis. Enactment of tax incentives for consumers and business for energy-efficient measures; Passage of legislation requiring more fuel-efficient vehicles; Increase of...
Quick tricks to save energy at home So many parts of the home can have a direct impact on your energy use and, potentially, your electricity and household bills. Fortunately, these same areas offer some great opportunities to save energy as well, with plenty of easy things you ca...
SOLHETTA LED bulb lasts for up to 25,000 hours – that’s 35% more energy efficient than previous IKEA LED bulbs. If you use a SOLHETTA LED bulb for three hours a day, it’ll be 20 years before you need to change it. See all LED bulbsDid...
3) saving energy sense 节能观念 1. The sorts of saving energy chances and measurements of center conditioner system are summarized,saving energy sense must run through the design,model election and running of center conditioner system to save energy largely are pointed out. 综述了中央空调系统...
Energy-SavingIdeas ReduceNaturalGasUseinMulti-family,SmallCommercial andNon-profitFacilities EnergyIncentivesfromWeEnergiescanhelpyourfacilitysaveenergy,whichwillsaveyoumoney.Eligiblecustomers implementingeitherCustomorPrescriptiveenergy-savingprojectswillreceivecashincentivestohelpoffsettheproject cost.Projectexamples,with...
1.The sorts of saving energy chances and measurements of center conditioner system are summarized,saving energy sensemust run through the design,model election and running of center conditioner system to save energy largely are pointed out.综述了中央空调系统节能的诸多机会与措施,指出节能观念应贯穿于中...
Good Ways to Save EnergyHow can we save energy? Here are some good ideas.1. Turn off the lights, computers, TV and other electricalappliances(电器) when you arent using them.2. Lower the temperature setting on your water heater.3. Take a short shower instead of a long one.4. Don't...
Focuses on the search by the US Department of Energy for proposals to demonstrate technologies and process innovations to save energy resources in energy-intensive industries. Terms of partnership for the agency's program called the National Industrial Competitiveness Through Energy, Environment, Economics...
Energy Savings for the home It is amazing to discover just how many ways we can save energy in so many areas of our homes. Many energy saving methods are within reach and may be as easy as replacing light bulbs to a more efficient type or style. ...
Basically, choosing the right shade trees or exterior paint color could help save energy if they keep a house cooler in summer and cut the need for air conditioning. In winter, however, it might be better not to have shade, so that the house could absorb heat from the sun. In that cas...