学习任务单 课程基本信息 学科 高中英语 年级 高二 学期 春季 课题 Unit 1 Growing up / Developing ideas: Writing a book review 教科书 书 名:《英语》(新标准)高中选择性必修第二册教材 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 出版日期:2020年6月 学习目标 1. 语言能力目标:理解教材所给书面语篇the Book Review ...
A. It helped him to finish his study at the university. B. It allowed him to change his mind about his futur e. C. It gave him ideas about the beginnings of human lif e. D. It got him to complete his most famous book on the ship.14. In what order did the following happen in...
1) understand the reasons behind the unsuccessful movies based on books ; 2) analyze/ˈænəlaɪz/ the organisation of this passage 3) think criticalliy about making judgements Learning Objectives(学习目标): Lead-in Troy is adapted from The Iliad by Homer(荷马) Good Book, Bad Movie?
As a way of passing on knowledge, ideas and creativity, books have played an important part in human civilization(文明).In ancient times, there were no books, and people passed on their knowledge by telling stories. The earliest forms of the book were made in Egypt around 3,500BC. These...
lonely . Emma likes writing magic 2. stories . She wanted to make friends and share the joy of writing. One day, she was writing a story in the library, 3. but she wasn't satisfied(满意的) with it. 4. Suddenly , she had an idea and left a message on her notebook: Hello! You...
WritingWhoisthenaincharacter? Lastyear/Yesterday/WhenIwastenyearsold...IIfoundalittleboy.Hewaslost.SoIsenthimtothepolicestation.Ifoundanoldman.Hewasill.SoIsenthimtothehospital.AlthoughImightbelateforschool,Istillchosetodothat.Ifelthappyandproud.Becausehelpingothersisoneofthesecretofhappiness.Onmywaytosch...
Create folio spreads one day at a time Create windows, flaps, pop ups and other three-dimensional forms Use a bone folder Glue out pages Make a stacked folio binding Make hard covers Alter existing book pages What you’ll get: Instruction on how to make a book art sampler, using a new...
Pre-writing Analysetheintroductiontothenovel.ThisbookbyOscarWildetellsthestoryofDorianGray,averyhandsomeyoungmanwhospendshislifeonlyconcernedwithhisownpleasure,regardlessofthesufferinghebringstoothers.Thefirstpartintroduced General _th_e__w_r_i_te_r_a_n__d_t_h_e_h_e_r_o__o_f_th__e_n_o_v_...
4.Asshereadthelastchapter,thetruemeaningofthebookbegantodawnonher.词性:词义: Ⅲ.单句语法填空1.Shefelt(embarrass)whenshetrippedandfellinfrontofacrowdofpeople. 2.(易错题)Wehada(delight)afternoonfilledwithlaughterandgoodconversation. 3.Sheapproachedthenervouslittledogwith(gentle),pettingitsheadsoftlyuntilit...