horror n. 令人惊恐的事 But even in the depths of war, few could have been prepared for the violence and horror they would experience there. (教材P27)但就算是深陷战争, 也很少有人能为即将经历的残暴和恐怖做 好准备。 典例翻译 ① To his horror, the bus caught fire. _使__他__...
The Porn Trap (2010) is your guide to understanding the powerful grasp that porn can have on people’s lives, and how to escape it. Drawing from real cases, it outlines what porn addiction is and the real consequences it has had. Then it provides six steps for those suffering from addic...
Direct challenge to the opponent's preceding claim as unacceptable or having unacceptable consequences (Interlocutor: Teens who commit a serious crime should receive the death penalty because this will deter other teens from breaking the law.) “No, if we execute the death penalty, it is against...
Gain a complete understanding of “Zero Fail” by Carol Leonnig from Blinkist. The “Zero Fail” book summary will give you access to a synopsis of key ideas, a short story, and an audio summary.
Calling someone out could have some nasty consequences and turn some people away from your brand. But it also has the potential to propel you into the spotlight. Try this one out at your own risk. 91. Put your thoughts down in an open letter to reach a wider audience Martin Luther King...
the present study demonstrates the involvement of the BVS in encoding an idea’s subjective value during the creative process. Previous findings linking the BVS with originality or adequacy processing do not offer mechanistic explanations and may be consequences of the correlation we observed between li...
Use Commitment Devices: As Katy Milkman suggests, create incentives or penalties to keep yourself accountable. For instance, reward yourself for hitting milestones or set consequences for missing them. Tracking Progress: The Path to Achievement
For my own son’s sanity I really hope he does not have to suffer through the same level of corporate BS that his parents have (and are still dealing with). For a summary of the book visit www.reinventingorganizations.com or for a video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcS04BI2sbk ...
◆consequencen.结果;后果;重要性Herinvestmenthaddisastrousconsequences:shelosteverythingsheowned.她的投资结果很惨,血本无归。 【词汇拓展2】consequentlyadv.因此;结果;必然地inconsequence=asaconsequence 因此;由此inconsequenceof=asaconsequenceof 由于take/beartheconsequences(of) 承担……的后果 ...
[...] and scope of procedural obligations in the State party are adapted to the weight of the interests at stake in a case: the more important the case in terms of consequences for the parties, the more precise and exacting the requirements of keeping the official record of the trial and...