Recently, I have been asked by several TED-IELTS email subscribers for advice on how to think of ideas for IELTS writing task 2. Basically, they find it difficult to generate ideas to use in writing their essay. This is a topic I hadn’t previously covered (in depth) on this website,...
内容提示: Ideas for IELTS Topics Ideas, Opinions and Vocabulary for IELTS Writing Task 2 Band 6.5 to 9 © Simon Corcoran (ielts—simon。com) 文档格式:DOC | 页数:9 | 浏览次数:39 | 上传日期:2024-10-31 17:41:49 | 文档星级: Ideas for IELTS Topics Ideas, Opinions and Vocabulary for ...
These ideas were found IELTS Links for a Better IELTS Essay Click the red links below to open the useful pages: Keep up-to-date with IELTS essay topics. See my list ofEssay Questions for 2017. Also see aModel IELTS Essay Feb 2017for writing task 2. See anIELTS Model Ess...
Unit 2 Exploring English(3)——Writing 1Learning objectivesBy the end of this lesson, you will be able to :Learn more about the Narrative, such as basic elements, the person, the tense and so on ;Accumulate some useful descriptions for your writing;use the expressions we learned to write ...
How should you prepare for IELTS Writing Task 2? There is an enormous amount of advice on my website ielts-simon . Here is a summary of what I suggest: •Spend more time preparing than testing. When you test yourself, you find out what your level is, but you do not learn anything...
第5课时Developing ideas (Reading for writingI.单词拼写1.I'd like to hear your (意见)on the subject.2. There must be many people waiting for the train at the train station because of the snow (暴风雪).3.The ship will be ready to (起航)in a week.4. I join the animal club, so...
HowshouldyouprepareforIELTSWritingTask2? Thereisanenormousamountofadviceonmywebsiteielts-simon.HereisasummaryofwhatIsuggest: • Spendmoretimepreparingthantesting. Whenyoutestyourself,youfindoutwhatyourlevelis,butyoudonotlearnanythingnew.Youwillnotimproveifyouonlywritetestessays.Beforewritinganessay,studythe...
correspondentforthe Toronto Star and used his extraordinary experiencesin Europe and later Cubatoinform hiswriting. 他后来成为 《多伦多星报》的驻外记者,并根据他 在欧洲和后来在古巴的独特经历进行写作. Herambitionistobecomepartofthenationalteam forthenextParalympicGames. 她的理想就是成为下一届残奥会的...
ThesecretsofhappinessUnit1Developingideas—Readingforwriting Learningobjectives1.introducekeywordsandexpressionsrelatedtothestory.2.understandthecontentofthestory,includingthecharactersactions,feelings,andthereasonsbehindthem.3.organiseideasandwriteastorybasedonthelearnedmodel.Inthislesson,wewillbeableto: ...