1 / 52 Ideas for IELTS topics Who is this book for? Many students have no ideas or opinions about IETLS writing topics. Even if your grammar is perfect, you will not get a high IELTS score if you do not know what to write. This book is for students who want to go into the ...
1 / 52 Ideas for IELTS topicsWho is this book for? Many students have no ideas or opinions about IETLS writing topics. Even if your grammar is perfect, you will not get a high IELTS score if you do not know what to write. This book is for students who want to go into the writing...
HowshouldyouprepareforIELTSWritingTask2? Thereisanenormousamountofadviceonmywebsiteielts-simon.HereisasummaryofwhatIsuggest: • Spendmoretimepreparingthantesting. Whenyoutestyourself,youfindoutwhatyourlevelis,butyoudonotlearnanythingnew.Youwillnotimproveifyouonlywritetestessays.Beforewritinganessay,studythe...
1、Ideas for IELTS topics Who is this book for?Many students have no ideas or opinions about IETLS writing topics. Even if your grammar is perfect, you will not get a high IELTS score if you do not know what to write. This book is for students who want to go into the writing exam...
HowshouldyouprepareforIELTSwritingtask2? Thereisanenormousamountofadviceonmywebsiteielts-simon.HereisasummaryofwhatIsuggest: -Spendmoretimepreparingthantesting Whenyoutestyourself,youfindoutwhatyourlevelis,butyoudonotlearnanythingnew.Youwillnotimproveifyouonlywritetestessays.Beforewritinganessay,studythetopican...
IELTS Essay Question: Advertising to Children in Schools Don’t forget that although IELTS recycle essay topics, they usually paraphrase the question. In some countries, fast food restaurants and companies give money to schools provided that the schools promote their products to school children. ...
IELTS Links for a Better IELTS Essay Click the red links below to open the useful pages: Keep up-to-date with IELTS essay topics. See my list ofEssay Questions for 2017. Also see aModel IELTS Essay Feb 2017for writing task 2.
IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay: You should complete the task within40minutes. Creative artists should always be given the freedom to express their own ideas (in words, pictures, music or film) in whichever way they wish. There should be no ...
How to Practice Structuring an Essay for IELTS Writing Task 2? First, you should think about practicing analysing questions. That’s really important to do before practicing your structure. Look for the keywords and micro-keywords, and then focus on action words so you know what to do. Then...
than adding depth to your writing. Focus on incorporating more terms that have substance as opposed to merely writing out. For instance, your paragraph on museums for preservation can be improved by omitting the general descriptions in the first parts to pave way for discussions in the latter ...