Music outside the lines: Ideas for compos- ing in K-12 music classrooms. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.Hickey, M. (2012). Music outside the lines: Ideas for composing in K-12 music classrooms. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Riley, P. (2013). Music outside the lines: ideas...
《【预订】Music Outside the Lines: Ideas for Composing in K-12》,作者:【预订】Music Outside the Lines: Ideas for Composing in K-12Maud Hickey 著,出版社:Oxford University PressInc,ISBN:9780199826773。
Tan Dun, composer 谭盾,作曲家 4 “There is no territory in the world of music.” These are the words of Chinese composer Tan Dun. He is most widely known for composing music for the film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and the 2008 Beijing Olympics. “音乐的世界没有边界。” 中...
He is most widely known for composing music for the film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and the 2008 Beijing Olympics. “音乐的世界没有边界。” 中国作曲家谭盾如是说。这位著名的作曲家曾为电影《卧虎藏龙》配乐,并为 2008 年北 京奥运会创作音乐。 5 To listen to Tan’s music is to experi...
These sights set Hofmans idea for Floating Fish in motion.6“During the walk and my stay hTan dun, composer from ChinaTan Duns well known works:3 Nine Songs1 composing music for the film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon2 composing mus 5、ic for the 2008 Beijing Olympics7Tan dun, Tan Duns...
2 Tan Dun, composer "There is no territory in the world of music." These are the words of Chinese composer Tan Dun. He is most widely known for composing music for the film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and the 2008 Being Olympics. To listen to Tan's music is to experiene a mix ...
4“There is no territory in the world of music.” These are the words of Chinese composer Tan Dun. He is most widely known for composing music for the filmCrouching Tiger, Hidden Dragonand the 2008 Beijing Olympics. ...
Section Ⅲ Developing ideas 【学习目标】 1.语言知识:frequent, sponsor, shade, be fond of, by accident, sing high praise for, 过去分词作状语,“the+比较级, the+比较级”,It is said that...等。 2.语言技能:能分析并概括语篇中的主要观点和事实,能 够根据需要设计合理的语篇结构。 Ⅰ...
consist of Tan Dun, composer composer n.作曲家 "There is no territory in the world of music. " These are the composition n.作曲;创作;作品;作文 words of Chinese composer Tan Dun. He is most widely known for crouch v.蹲伏,蹲下 composing music for the film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon...
Read the passage to organize information from the passage and complete the diagram.参考答案:1) Floating fish2 )Chinese folk tales3) Wuzhen and the way people lived there4 )composing music for the film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and the 2008 Beijing Olympics5 )Nine Songs6 )Chinese musical...