Call for Entries: Transform a Church in Ruins into a Concert Hall November 18, 2020|Sponsored Content The third edition of the architecture competitionRe-use Italypromotesthe repurpose of a forgotten church in southern Italy, in Grottole, in the province of Matera. Facing the issue of the aban...
What brought you here today?Business I want to purchase logowear, promotional products, banners, display booths or something else with my name and logo for my business. Take me to promotional products Organizations I want to raise money or provide spirit-wear for my school, church or charity....
The new 2023 LDS Youth Themehas been announced by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Philippians 4:13 To help you inspire the Young Women you serve, I’ve created some fun posters and other coordinating printables...
and citizen-ledPark(ing) Daymovement and models from other cities such asMontreal’s rue St-Denis,Toronto’s Church Street, orVancouver’s pilot. The city is accepting applications for the 25 spots to be made available as part of the 2016 summer pilot to run from April 1 to October 31....
Create the coziest living room ever with these easy ideas, including comfortable furniture, soft fabrics, personal collections, and more.
local_amount_of_banners MODIFIER_LOCAL_AMOUNT_OF_BANNERS Possible Manchu Banners 可招募八旗兵 string 可招募八旗兵 local_autonomy LOCAL_AUTONOMY_MOD Monthly Autonomy Change 每月自治度变化 Red float 每月自治度变化:+0.1 local_build_cost LOCAL_BUILD_COST Local Construction Cost 本地建造花费 Red perce...
A picture of Alexander the Great conquering the Persian Empire in 330 BC, with the mighty ruler on horseback and his army marching forward with their banners and weapons. A photo of Queen Elizabeth I giving a speech to her troops before the Spanish Armada in 1588, with a stern and confiden...
local_amount_of_banners MODIFIER_LOCAL_AMOUNT_OF_BANNERS Possible Manchu Banners 可招募八旗兵 string 可招募八旗兵 local_autonomy LOCAL_AUTONOMY_MOD Monthly Autonomy Change 每月自治度变化 Red float 每月自治度变化:+0.1 local_build_cost LOCAL_BUILD_COST Local Construction Cost 本地建造花费 Red perce...
Whether it’s ribbons, banners, or table centerpieces, these items not only beautify spaces but also serve as constant reminders of the fight against breast cancer. Source Cancer Survivor Bottle Lamp Cancer survivor bottle lamps are a great Relay for Life fundraising idea. Imagine crafting lamps ...
Our favorite parody songs in this seder: "The street where you live" (Four Questions), "I could have danced all night" (B'nei Brack), "Just you wait" (Ten Plagues), "Wouldn't it be loverly" (Dayenu), "Get me to the church" (Elijah), "With a little bit of luck" (Hallel)....