Go out for dinner Going out to dinner is a date night staple for a reason. You can converse over good food, wear your best outfit, and gaze at each other over candlelight. To make things interesting, go to a restaurant you've never been to—or at least try something you've never ha...
Share your fun-loving side with a new potential partner by planning a date full of action, adventure or humor. When you are both engrossed in engaging activities, there will be too much going on to notice the time passing by, and no time left for uncomfortable first-date moments or awkwar...
Here's a list of fun and easy date ideas for college students. This list ranks the best dates for college students. Whether you're on a budget or looking for easy date nights in between all that studying, there are plenty of great ideas for dating in college. Just beca...
To add even more excitement to this first date, make a pact with your companion to order only items you've never tried before! 11. Have a Snowman Building Contest If you’re in the market for fun winter date ideas, set up a snowman contest that'll warm your hearts. Spend some ...
Fun Gift Ideas for the Food Fanatic on Your List
Creative Date Ideas Visit an Art Gallery (Image credit: Getty Images) Whether you're a true art buff or just along for the ride, this one's a great quiet place for both of you to gauge each other's interests and conversational skills. Choose a fun, exciting gallery or photo exhibit th...
Searching for Valentine's Day date ideas in Edmonton? Not sure where to do in Edmonton on a date night? Here's how to visit Edmonton as a foodie couple!
A cooking class is a great way to connect with your date. Expert instructors teach most and include everything you need for a nice meal. Many cooking classes even specialize in certain foods on different nights so that you can plan a whole-themed date around that food region. For example,...
history and natural beauty to explore, you’ll find a spectacular range of date ideas in Philadelphia. But it’s more than just the lush historic centerpiece of the country: It’s also a bustling modern city brimming with art, music, food, beverages — all the amenities for fun and romanc...
Go on a role-play date.Dress up as a character, give yourself a new name, make up your background, and re-meet each other for a fun date. “Try to stay in character for as long as possible, but what’s most important is to listen, share and be present,” Dindinger says. ...