This project is centrally concerned with the connection of Schelling's philosophy of education to his broader philosophical commitments, from his identity-philosophy period to his middle period philosophy of freedom. I argue that, while there are some essential threads of continuity from Schelling's ...
Giovanni Gentile (1875–1944) was a major figure in Italian idealist philosophy as well as a politician, educator, and editor. He became known as the “philosopher of fascism” and was part of Mussolini’s fascist government.
Withhimandothersweseethekeythemesofprogress,nature,andfreedom,andtheirideaspermeatethecultureofFranceandbeyond 20000letterstooverathousanddifferentcorrespondentsVerywealthy,veryconnectedwithpowerfulfolk TheLegacyofKant KantsetthetoneforGermanphilosophyofthe19thcenturyGermanphilosophywouldlargelyabstainfrom...
This project is centrally concerned with the connection of Schelling's philosophy of education to his broader philosophical commitments, from his identity-philosophy period to his middle period philosophy of freedom. I argue that, while there are some essential threads of continuity from Schelling's ...