The Robinson formula was developed on the basis of the 1959 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company height-weight tables.[7]This equation was created to better assess ideal body weight for drug dosing. Men: Ideal Body Weight [kg] = 52 + (1.9 × (height [in] – 60)) ...
Discover the ideal weight range for your height using our comprehensive indian height weight chart. Stay informed about your health and wellness with this easy-to-use reference tool.
Body weight may be expressed as a function of height and takes the general form: weight/heightx[28]. Now widely used is thebody mass index(BMI) or Quetelet's index, kg/m2. Use of theBMIto assess weight for height in individuals, with the classifications found inTable 3, is consistent...
Ideal weight for 131cm male - 67.51lb or 30.62kg is an ideal weight for a male person who is 131cm height. The men of 131 centimeter height with weight of around 67.51 pounds or 30.62 kilograms considered to be healthy.
Ideal weight for 134cm male - 73.5lb or 33.34kg is an ideal weight for a male person who is 134cm height. The men of 134 centimeter height with weight of around 73.5 pounds or 33.34 kilograms considered to be healthy.
For a man, the ideal weight = Size - 100 - ((Size - 150) / 4) Ideal weight according to Lorentz: Enter your height in centimeters and specify your gender to calculate your ideal weight: Your height: cm Your gender: Women Man Estimate your ideal weight: 59 Kg Your weight seems...
The ideal weight (kg) = (- 150 cm height) x 0.650, south of ideal body weight (kg) = (- 150 cm height) x 0.648, this calculation method seems to be more suitable for the north and south of Chinese. Calculate the standard weight of children, a simple method is: 1 ~ 6 months...
This is just another usage of Body Mass Index (BMI) formula that can be implemented to find an ideal weight of any person based on his/her height information. And this is just a single worksheet which will give you ideal weight in pounds and kilograms based on your height. You can selec...
Northerners ideal weight(kg) = (height cm - 150) x 0.6 + 50, southerners ideal weight (kg) = (height cm- 150) x 0.6 + 48, the calculation method of Chinese seems more suitable forthe north and south region. Children's standard weight calculation, the simplemethod is: 1 6 months: ...
222324 BMI is calculated dividing a person’s weight in kg by their height squared. BMI = kg/m2 According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) a healthy BMI range is defined as 18.5–24.9 for adult men and women.2526 From this ...