For running cards in SLI, your best setups are either a side intake or water cooling. I know tempered glass looks cool, but as you noted, your GPU temps drop dramatically when the side panel is off. Those mid-2000s cases with a side intake fan were made for GPU cooling in par...
Reason being, the SN850 is known for extremely high temps (can reach 100) under heavy use, and gameplay vids on YouBoobs show no major difference in gaming performance, even at half the speed. The SN770 Black has been noted to reach 85, which isn't as bad, but the Blue...
Abyscsoonlusibdielirtiyngretpheressoelnutbsiltihtyeisntfrleunegntche.oAfsthsoeluHb-imliteytarelpinreteseranctstions usuathlley setvreanlugathteodfbtyhemHea-msuertianlginttheeraacmtioonusnut soufadlliysseovlvaeludastepdecbiyesm, iet agseunreinraglltyhedeacmreoausnetsowf idthissinolcvreedasing temps...