Last year I had a new combi boiler installed alongside the Drayton Wiser smart hub system. This is the boiler: Ideal Logic Combi Boiler This is the controller system: Drayton Wiser Kit 1 I didn't know at the the time that the installer could wire it NOT using the OpenTherm module. I ...
使用者指南 – Logic Code Combi EPS1鍋爐顯示代碼 說明 鍋爐處於待命操作狀態,等待中央供暖要求或熱水需求。 鍋爐具有中央供暖要求,但裝置已達到對鍋爐設定所需溫度。 鍋爐具有熱水要求,但裝置已達到對鍋爐設定所需溫度。 鍋爐正處於中央供暖模式。 鍋爐正處於生活熱水模式。