Apart from relative humidity, also air movement contributes to thermal comfort. In the summer months, it has been noted that the relative humidity level should be no more than 60 % and in the winter months about 20%+. These numbers are assuming that there is a constant indoor temperature of...
It depends on the room itself, what it’s used for, how often you’re in it, and where it is in the house. Here’s what experts recommend for the different spaces in your home during the colder winter months: RoomIdeal temperatureWhy? Living room 19-22°C People spend a lot of ...
It’s true! Your indoor air quality directly affects your family’s health and also the health of your home. Find out the ideal humidity level for your home.
family members who may find it more difficult to stay cool or warm during the summer and winter. Choosing to have a cooler house during the summer may increase your energy bills, similar to keeping a warmer home in the winter. However, this is a personal decision for each household to ...
Detect motion, temperature, and humidity Help to inform thermostat Adjusts the temperature in your home Ensure each room is set to the ideal conditions. Integrating into the existing smart home ecosystem No Apple HomeKit support, Won’t be able to use Siri ...
House On The Rock, Wisconsin The current reality: I had been driving for the past two days the most excruciating dry socket tooth pain that I have ever experienced and was dimly headed to Detroit, MI in a dangerous haze of mind numbing nerve pain. Going to Detroit to interview an unnamed...
we expected the heat to be prevalent—after all, it’s Florida in the summer. However, after having lived the last 20 plus years around the Great Lakes, our blood has thickened and we don’t tolerate heat and humidity like we use to. (That could be due to age, as well, but we wo...
[157] used heat to protect peaches and nectarines from brown rot by exposing the fruits to 50 ◦C and 95–99% relative humidity (RH) for 2 h, which should markedly eradicate the pre-existing (from the field) Monilinia spp. infections, in combination with the application of chitosan at ...