Water concentration in the reference configuration is obtained from absorption experiments with fully saturated membranes. Based on the ratio between water and counterions’ concentrations from ref. 56, we estimate water concentration to be 17,600 mol m−3 and 12,000 mol m−3 for ...
Z.X. designed and carried out experiments for wireless sensing. Z.X. and Y.J. performed the in vivo animal experiments. J.L. and Z.L. conducted the computational fluid dynamics simulation. X.W. and W.C. introduced the use of slippery surfaces. X.W., W.C. and H.Y. performed ...
I love math very much, because I think math is quite useful. Its useful when people are buying things. Its useful when students are learning subjects like physics and chemitry. And its useful when scientists are doing experiments. Teachers can not only help students to learn things but also ...
the elasticity of air and EDL to construct a pressure sensor. W.C., X.W., B.C.K.T. and J.S.H., designed the experiments. W.C. and X.W. performed the experiments, and collected and
Runge‐Kutta time discretization method, also known as the strong stability preserving (SSP) method.Large‐scale aquarium experiments using cylindrical ANFO charges (with 176 mm charge diameters) wereused to measure propagation of detonation front and expansion of gaseous products with ultra highspeed...