Calculate your Ideal weight based on your gender & height and manage your healthy weight by planning your diet, exercise or your daily physical activities. Calculate Your Ideal Weight ... Gender:Men (Boy)Women (Girl) Height:60 cm (1 feet, 11.6 inch)61 cm (2 feet, 0.0 inch)62 cm (2...
Male Female Height: feet inches Your ideal body weight (IBW) is:
Adjusted body weight This calculator uses an adjustment factor of 0.4, or 40%, to provide an adjusted body weight in patients who are more than 20% of their ideal body weight. This adjustment uses the following equation: AdjustedBW=IdealBW+(0.4∗(ActualBW−IdealBW))AdjustedBW=IdealBW+...
Now, with the ideal body weight calculator from YAZIO, you can stop wondering! Quickly and easily find out how many kilos you’ll need to drop to feel your absolute best. Simply enter your gender, age, height and current weight, and we’ll display your ideal body weight in an easy-to...
Calculate your ideal body weight using several formulas with our body weight calculator. Plus, learn how to find your ideal body weight.
IDEAL BODY WEIGHT CALCULATOR Gender Female Male Frame* Height Feet & Inches CMs Feet Inches Ideal Weight Range *Finding your frame size. Grip your wrist using your thumb and longest finger. If your finger and thumb don't touch you are a LARGE frame. If your finger and thumb ...
Body Frame Size Your body frame size also plays an important role in determining your ideal body weight. There are three body frame size categories: small, medium and large. To choose your goal BMI, required for the ideal weight calculator, you need to take into account your bone structure....
Leading expert on the Ideal Body Weight calculator: Manjunath Pai, PharmD, is a professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice at the Albany College of Pharmacy. He is the author of “The Origin of the 'Ideal' Body Weight Equations”, a comprehensive literature review on the creation of ...
Do you know what your optimum body weight should be for someone your height, frame size, and gender? Use this precise body weight calculator to determine your ideal weight. Biological Sex Male Female Frame Size Use the chartbelow(if you have a tape measure handy). ...
The Ideal Body Weight Calculator computes ideal body weight ranges with respect to gender and height.