The study found that people admitted to the hospital with A1C levels above the 6.8% to 7.0% range had anincreased riskof having a vascular event like a heart attack, as well as having another stroke. After adjusting for factors like age and sex, researchers found that people's risk for a...
Linear regression analyses were added by entering each of the following profiles: patients' baseline characteristics [mean baseline age, body mass index (BMI), and HbA1c levels] and exercise characteristics (total sets per week, total sets per bout of exercise, frequency, and intensity). Results...
StudyPatientsMiddle age (years)SymptomsVirus-RelatedComplicationsICUDiedPlasma LevelsRef COVID-19: pneumonia cases in Wuhan, China 41 49 Common symptoms: Fever, Cough, myalgia or fatigue,Less Common symptoms: headache, haemoptysis, sputum production, diarrhea Dyspnea, lymphopeniaPneumonia, ARDS, RNAaemi...