使用idea的git插件控制代码分支合并时,由于操作不当,报错了,控制台报错如下: cant checkout because of unmerged files,you have to resolve all merge conflicts before checkout. 仔细回想报错的起因,经
cant checkout because of unmerged files,you have to resolve all merge conflicts before checkout. 仔细回想报错的起因,经过大概是这样的:首先,远程仓库里面的代码版本是很老了,而本地的代码版本比较新,因此在合并时,我首先使用了stash命令,保存了本地新改的代码,然后使用了pull命令拉取了远程分支的代码,合并结...
解决办法:setting ==》Tools ==》 Diff & Merge ==》External Diff Tools 把 下面两个对勾取消掉
error: cannot pull with rebase: You have unstaged changes. error: please commit or stash them. 命令git rebase --continue You must edit all merge conflicts and then mark them as resolved using git add D:\my-cloud>git add . D:\my-cloud>git commit -m "3" [detached HEAD f101534] 3 1...
重做的Conflicts Detected(检测到冲突)对话框 在版本 2024.1 中,我们重做了Conflicts Detected(检测到冲突)对话框以提高可读性。 现在,对话框中的代码反映了编辑器中的内容,使您可以更清楚地了解冲突,并且 IDE 会自动保存窗口大小调整以供将来使用。 另外,我们还更新了按钮及其行为以简化重构工作流,对话框现在可以完全...
当您想要测量大量代码行的执行时间时,IntelliJ IDEA 2024.3 让您无需使用日志和计时器干扰代码。 调用Run to Cursor(运行到光标)操作后,您将在编辑器的装订区域中看到每行的执行时间。 要进行更深入的分析,可以使用装订区域中的相同提示深入到被调用的方法,其对应行也将附带执行时间数据。
choose themerge strategythat will be used to resolve conflicts that occur during the merge.Select...
main advantage is that it's adjusted to store project files in Version Control Systems: the project data is split over multiple files, and merge conflicts are less likely. For more information about sharing projects in different formats, refer toHow to manage projects under Version Control ...
IntelliJ IDEA中的数据库工具还具有其特定的导航模式。您可以通过使用Go to a symbol操作并输入表名来...
When working with Git, merge conflicts may occur from time to time. To make it easier for you to resolve them, we’ve made several improvements. First of all, it’s now much simpler to find files with merge conflicts in the upcoming IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2, as for each changelist the IDE...