Tried to save uncommitted changesinstash before Update, but failed with an error. Couldn't stash file://H:/IdeaProjects/SVSP_0.4: git-write-tree: error building trees Cannot save the current index state 经过逐步排查发现是同事上传了多余的文件造成了集体无法更新,解决方案如下: 进入你的项目目录,...
- Suggest to move uncommitted changes to another changelist(建议将未提交的更改移动到另一个更改列表):如果希望 idea建议将更改从提交中排除到另一个更改列表,请选择此选项。- Create changelist on failed commit(在失败的提交上创建更改列表):询问 是或者否 选择是否要在提交失败时创建新的更改列表。Commit...
Before update your uncommitted changes were saved to stash. Update is not complete, you have unresolved merges in your working tree Resolve conflicts, complete update and restore changes manually. 大意就是说,merge失败了有冲突,你要自己手动先把他们解决了,你之前做的修改我帮你保存到一个地方→stash里...
Suggest to move uncommitted changes to another changelist(建议将未提交的更改移动到另一个更改列表): 如果希望 idea建议将更改从提交中排除到另一个更改列表,请选择此选项。 Create changelist on failed commit(在失败的提交上创建更改列表):询问是或者否选择是否要在提交失败时创建新的更改列表。
IntelliJ执行此操作的方法是在您当前所在的分支中使用stash,然后在您要切换到的分支中使用stash pop。当...
这个问题主要是idea环境的git配置问题导致的,将git配置好,记得是bin\git.exe,不要配置错了。修改了之后,重新拉取代码,已经OK。可能需要重新输入git的账号和密码...最近在idea环境下,拉取代码时出现了如下图: 提示内容: tried to save uncommitted changes in stash before Updates,but failed ...
15:31 Couldn't save uncommitted changes. Tried to save uncommitted changes in stash before Update, but failed with an error. stash file://D:/WorkSpace/test1.0: unable to auto-detect email address (got 'lenovo@duanzhihua.(none)')
Suggest to move uncommitted changes to another changelist(建议将未提交的更改移动到另一个更改列表): 如果希望 idea建议将更改从提交中排除到另一个更改列表,请选择此选项。 Create changelist on failed commit(在失败的提交上创建更改列表):询问 是或者否 ...
If you are going to update to another branch, bookmark, or changeset and you have any uncommitted changes in the current line of development, technically there can be two ways to treat them. The uncommitted changes can be either committed before update or abandoned (cleaned). ...