打开IDEA 的 Settings 配置列表,选择 Tools 配置,选择 SSH Configuration ,填写我们的服务器信息 配置SSH连接信息 填写我们的 主机IP、用户名、密码即可连接远程的服务器,最后点击 Apply 即可。 接着,点击 Tools -> Start SSH Session -> 选择我们刚刚配置好的服务器信息,就可以在终端上连接好我们刚刚配置的服务器。
进入“SSH”设置:在左侧菜单中,选择“SSH” -> “Tunnels”。 创建SSH隧道:点击右侧的“Add”按钮,输入以下信息:Local port:本地端口号(例如8888)。 Remote host:远程主机地址。 Remote port:远程数据库端口(例如3306对于MySQL)。 SSH key:如果有的话,选择私钥文件路径;否则,跳过此步骤。保存设置并测试连接:点击...
In most cases, you do not need to modify theGeneraltab settings after setting the SSH configuration inSSH/SSLtab, as IntelliJ IDEA will connect to the local end of the SSH tunnel. The exception is when you create an SSH tunnel manually, in that case you need to setlocalhostasHoston the...
解决idea与github出现Connection refused:connect的问题 以前一直没这个问题,突然就出现了 解决办法如下 File -> Setting -> Appearance… >System Setting -> HTTP Proxy 关闭代理。 总结 可能导致问题的原因是我上次访问github过慢在C:\Windows\System3... ...
Host The hostname (domain name) or the IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) of the computer where the database is located. If the database is on your local computer, specify localhost or If you are using SSH, the database host must be accessible by the specified domain name or IP...
Hello, I'm a long-time IDEA user. My system is Ubuntu 20.10, and after updating to 2022.3.2 I somehow am unable to create a new project,...
下面是insert.php文件的代码: <?php include 'connect.php'; $id = $_POST['id']; $idea = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['new_idea']); if(!$_POST['submit']) { echo "Ple 浏览6提问于2012-11-29得票数 2 回答已采纳 1回答 使用IntelliJ IDEA通过SSH和JDBC连接MySQL-server失败 、、、 ...
一、异常信息: java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot reconnect. at org.jetbrains.idea.maven.server.RemoteObjectWrapper.perform(RemoteObjectWrapper.java:82) at o
idea 项目启动console卡在Connected to the target VM, address: '', transport: 'socket'不动了 2020-05-11 14:01 −... 携子桐归 0 6993 connect via ssh to virtualbox guest vm without knowing ip address 2019-12-02 05:01 −cat ssh-vm HOSTIP=`ip route get 1 | awk ...
Then copy the public key on every remote host you will connect to: Eg:scp ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub my_user_id@remote_hostname_or_IP:~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub After this step is done, you should open a ssh shell to the remote machine where you will be prompted to authorize the key. Next ...