4. tab 多行显示 这点因人而异,有些人喜欢直接取消所有tab,改用快捷键的方式,我屏幕比较大,所以喜欢把tab全部显示出来。Settings -> Editor ->General ->Editor Tabs ,取消勾选 Show pinned tabs in a separate row选项。5. 代码编辑区显示行号 Settings -> Editor -> General -> Appearance 勾选 Sho...
It’s easier to organize your pinned tabs. You can drag and drop files to add them to the pinned tabs. Additionally, you can keep all the pinned tabs in a separate row. You can set IntelliJ IDEA as the default application for opening certain file types. It is now possible to add a ...
To keep pinned tabs on the left side, in the Settings dialog (CtrlAlt0S) , go to Advanced Settings, locate the Editor Tabs section, and select the Keep pinned tabs on the left option. Detach a tab When you detach a tab, the tab opens in a separate window, and the window become...
To keep pinned tabs on the left side, in the Settings dialog (CtrlAlt0S) , go to Advanced Settings, locate the Editor Tabs section, and select the Keep pinned tabs on the left option. Detach a tab When you detach a tab, the tab opens in a separate window, and the window become...
您还可以通过将选项卡拖放到其他固定或取消固定的文件上,以此来固定和取消固定选项卡。 如果您倾向于打开许多选项卡,则可以将所有固定的选项卡都放在一行中。 为此,请转到Settings / Preferences | Editor | General | Editor Tabs,然后勾选Show pinned tabs in a separate row复选框。
ConsoleView.ShowAsJsonAction context.clear <A-S-X> context.load <A-S-L> context.save <A-S-S> ContextDebug ContextHelp ContextRun ConvertContentsToAttributeAction ConvertIndentsGroup ConvertIndentsToSpaces ConvertIndentsToTabs ConvertSchemaAction ConvertToMacLineSeparators ConvertToUn...
.Csv.SetFirstRowIsHeader Console.TableResult.CsvExtractors.Group Console.TableResult.Data Console.TableResult.Database.GoTo Console.TableResult.DeleteColumns <A-S-Del> Console.TableResult.DeleteRows <C-Y> Console.TableResult.DisableAllAggregators Console.TableResult.EditFilterCriteria <A-C-S-F...
您还可以通过将选项卡拖放到其他固定或取消固定的文件上,以此来固定和取消固定选项卡。 如果您倾向于打开许多选项卡,则可以将所有固定的选项卡都放在一行中。 为此,请转到Settings / Preferences | Editor | General | Editor Tabs,然后勾选Show pinned tabs in a separate row复选框。
.Csv.SetFirstRowIsHeader Console.TableResult.CsvExtractors.Group Console.TableResult.Data Console.TableResult.Database.GoTo Console.TableResult.DeleteColumns <A-S-Del> Console.TableResult.DeleteRows <C-Y> Console.TableResult.DisableAllAggregators Console.TableResult.EditFilterCriteria <A-C-S-F> ...