项目中遇到的几个常见的问题 一:idea中定位对应的类的位置的按钮不见了将Always Select Opened file前面的勾去掉 二:vim中定位到头,尾,指定行数 gg :跳转到文件头 Shift+g :跳转到文件末尾 行数+gg :跳转到指定行,例跳转到123行:123gg idea快速从mapper.java跳转到mapper.xml文件的插件 步骤:idea—>File...
couldn’t be opened using text encoding Unicode (UTF-8) 说明.csv文件编码格式不是utf-8,我们需要将这个.csv文件转为utf-8格式。 操作方法:1:右击.csv文件,打开方式选择“文本编辑” 屏幕快照 2018-10-16 上午11.12.36.png 2:打开后shift+cmd+s保存新的文本文...IDEA...
self.engine = self._create_engine()File"d:\python362\lib\site-packages\scrapy\crawler.py", line 102,in _create_enginereturnExecutionEngine(self, lambda _: self.stop())File"d:\python362\lib\site-packages\scrapy\core\engine.py", line 69,in __init__ self.downloader = downloader_cls(crawl...
3. When using the recharge method, you must carefully confirm your account and carefully select the relevant operation options. If you enter the wrong account number, improperly operate or do not understand the recharge method and other factors cause the wrong account, wrong choice of recharge typ...
Database opened. SQL> select distinct isspecified from v$spparameter; ISSPEC --- TRUE FALSE /* 第一行为TRUE可知,是从spfile启动的,有两行,其中第二行为FALSE,表示有两个参数文件,一个是spfile,一个是pfile 再次尝试看看能否修改spfile: */ SQL>...