通过安装JavaScript插件,我们可以在IDEA开发工具中愉快地进行JavaScript语言的开发。借助Chart.js等库,我们可以轻松地创建各种图表,提升我们的开发效率和体验。希望本文能够帮助您解决IDEA插件提示requires plugin javascript tobe install的问题,让您顺利进行JavaScript开发。
在Settings/Preferences窗口中,点击左侧的Plugins选项。 Step 4: 在搜索框中输入JavaScript 在Plugins窗口的搜索框中输入“JavaScript”。 // 在搜索框中输入JavaScript 1. Step 5: 点击Install安装插件 找到JavaScript插件后,点击右侧的Install按钮进行安装。 // 点击Install按钮 1. Step 6: 重启IDEA生效 安装完成后,...
JavaScript and TypeScript - The plugin is available only in IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, where it is enabled by default. Gherkin - If you are using IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, the plugin is bundled and enabled by default. With IntelliJ IDEA Community, install the plugin on the Settings | Plugins pag...
Use --require coffeescript/register to have CoffeeScript files compiled into JavaScript on the fly during run. This mode requires that the register.js file, which is a part of the coffeescript package, is located inside your project. Therefore, make sure you have the coffeescript package insta...
Provides support for working with JavaScript and TypeScript. Features Code completion In-product documentation Code formatting Code inspections and quick fixes...
Ktor is a web application framework for creating connected systems. You can use it to create server-side as well as client-side applications. It supports multiple platforms, including JVM, JavaScript, and Kotlin/Native. This plugin provides functionality
plugin:NodeJS install via jetbrainshttps://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/10841-run-configuration-for-typescript githubidea-run-typescript.jar/idea-run-typescript.zip feature run .tsx? by ts-node like bin tool (e.g. ts-node ,esm-ts-node) ...
插件下载地址 https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7499-gittoolbox 打开插件应用市场,点击设置图标,下拉菜单中单击从本地安装插件,选择上一步下载的 zip 文件后安装。 第三步,重启 IntelliJ IDEA 重启成功后,即可开启Git便捷管理之旅。 GitToolBox 配置 ...
The plugin requires Intellij Ultimate for development, since it depends on the Javascript plugin. Run the Plugin To start the plugin from Intellij, execute the runIde task from the list of intellij gradle tasks. It downloads a 2016.2 runtime and executes that version of intellij with the svelt...
TabNine 是一个 IntelliJ IDEA 插件,可以为 Java 和 JavaScript 开发人员的代码提供 AI 建议。它分析来自数百万个开源项目的代码,并提供相关且准确的代码片段,以帮助开发人员更快、更准确地编写代码。 使用TabNine 的众多优势包括: 有效的代码提示。 支持大量编程语言。 为主流编辑器和IDE提供帮助。 使用机器学习,...