user.setAddress("北京.大兴区.亦庄经济开发区"); userDao.update(user); } 测试结果 22:30:55.593[main] DEBUG cn.bugstack.test.demo.infrastructure.dao.UserDao.update[143] - ==> Preparing: UPDATE user SET name=?,age=?,address=? WHERE id=?22:30:55.625[main] DEBUG cn.bugstack.test.demo.i...
user.setAddress("北京.大兴区.亦庄经济开发区"); userDao.update(user); } 测试结果 22:30:55.593[main] DEBUG cn.bugstack.test.demo.infrastructure.dao.UserDao.update[143] - ==> Preparing: UPDATE user SET name=?,age=?,address=? WHERE id=? 22:30:55.625[main] DEBUG cn.bugstack.test.demo....
user.setAddress("北京.大兴区.亦庄经济开发区"); userDao.update(user); } 测试结果 22:30:55.593 [main] DEBUG cn.bugstack.test.demo.infrastructure.dao.UserDao.update[143] - ==> Preparing: UPDATE user SET name=?,age=?,address=? WHERE id=? 22:30:55.625 [main] DEBUG
22:30:55.593 [main] DEBUG cn.bugstack.test.demo.infrastructure.dao.UserDao.update[143] - ==> Preparing: UPDATE user SET name=?,age=?,address=? WHERE id=? 22:30:55.625 [main] DEBUG cn.bugstack.test.demo.infrastructure.dao.UserDao.update[143] - ==> Parameters: 谢飞机(String), 18(In...
如果你是新下载代码,那么可以在 probe-plugin -> Tasks -> intellij -> runIde 中进行运行启动。 单元测试 @Testpublicvoidtest_update(){Useruser=newUser();user.setId(1L);user.setName("谢飞机");user.setAge(18);user.setAddress("北京.大兴区.亦庄经济开发区"); ...
如果你是新下载代码,那么可以在 probe-plugin -> Tasks -> intellij -> runIde 中进行运行启动。 单元测试 代码语言:javascript 复制 @Testpublicvoidtest_update(){User user=newUser();user.setId(1L);user.setName("谢飞机");user.setAge(18);user.setAddress("北京.大兴区.亦庄经济开发区");userDao...
1.maven工程今天突然不能下载jar,经过重新配置maven的环境,重新导入工程,注销,关机等都不能下载jar。 但是可以在终端(cmd)中用maven命令行可以下载jar。开始怀疑IDE有问题。果真问题就在IDE,IDE没有允许maven上网, 如下图把 Work offline √去掉就可以了如下图: 之后 重新reimport就ok了 ...
Preparing IDEA Project Autoconfiguration of an IDEA project is not implemented yet. So, before launching IDEA as a language server, you have to start IDEA in normal mode and configure your project manually (setup SDK, modules, dependencies, install required plugins etc.). As a result the.idea...
IntelliJ IDEA integrates with Karma, so you can run, debug, and monitor coverage of your tests from inside the IDE. You can see the test results in a treeview and easily navigate to the test source from there. Test status is shown next to the test in the editor with an option to ...
IntelliJ IDEA integrates with Karma, so you can run, debug, and monitor coverage of your tests from inside the IDE. You can see the test results in a treeview and easily navigate to the test source from there. Test status is shown next to the test in the editor with an option to ...