1 1、点击IDEA的help菜单,点击About,查询当前IDEA版本信息;2、登录需要下载的插件网站,找到支持的IDEA版本的插件,点击下载保存;3、点击IDEA的Settings菜单项,弹出窗口中点击Plugins列表项,右边界面中点击小齿轮图标,在下拉的列表项中,点击“Install Plugin from Disk...”;4、选择需要安装的插件,点击OK。5...
1. 报错 原因:下载的插件的版本和idea不匹配 2. 进入http://plugins.jetbrains.com搜索需要的插件vue.js 3. 找到idea对应版本再下载 4. 安装即可
公司内网无法在线安装,lombok插件,官网下载后,导入报 兼容问题。
1.idea插件下载地址http://plugins.jetbrains.com/ 2.下载插件安装插件1、下载插件: 2、安装插件: settings ->plugins-> installpluginfrom disk,然后重启IDEA即可。 Plugin ‘XX‘ is incompatible with this installation的原因和解决办法 翻译:插件“XXX”与此安装不兼容原因:要安装的插件与jetbrains的版本不兼容解...
Plugin ‘XX‘ is incompatible with this installation的原因和解决办法 翻译:插件“XXX”与此安装不兼容原因:要安装的插件与jetbrains的版本不兼容 解决:1.查看idea的版本官网下载对应版本的插件:http://plugins.jetbrains.com选择idea:搜索插件: 点击GET: 选择对应版本:下载后在idea中安装:重启idea即可生效!
To build installation packages inside a Docker container with preinstalled dependencies and tools, run the following command in<IDEA_HOME>directory (on Windows, use PowerShell): docker run --rm -it -v ${PWD}:/community $(docker build -q . --target build_env) ...
Install the plugin: Windows macOS Linux Navigate to the bin directory under your IntelliJ IDEA installation directory and run the following command: idea64.exe installPlugins <PluginID> For example: idea64.exe installPlugins com.intellij.grazie.pro tip If you are using the Toolbox App, you can...
Same issue here today when updating the plugin. The IDE failed to install or update some plugins. Please try again, and if the problem persists, please report it to https://jb.gg/ide/critical-startup-errors The cause: java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\Je...
Choose how you want to register IntelliJ IDEA or a plugin that requires a license: JetBrains Account Activation code License server Log in to your JetBrains Account and get licenses that you have purchased. If you don't have a JetBrains Account yet, click Register. IntelliJ IDEA automatically ...