针对“idea no jdk specified for module”的问题,以下是一些可能的解决步骤: 检查项目配置: 打开IntelliJ IDEA,并确保您的项目已打开。在主菜单中,选择“File” -> “Project Structure”。在弹出的“Project Structure”对话框中,选择“Project”选项卡。检查“Project SDK”是否已设置,并且是否正确指向了您安装的...
Error running 'XXXApplication': Nojdkfor module 'XXX' 按理说jdk都是在File->Project Structure里面设置就可以了,而且现在检查了也是没有问题 后来几经折腾,通过直接搜索Settings里面的jdk,发现还有这么一个地方 箭头指向的是当前的状态,将这里改为平常的1.8,项目于是就可以愉快地运行了 今天在运行项目的时候,突然...
报错: 查看File->Project Structure和maven->import:
写完java程序后按shift+alt+F10显示 点完了出来个这个窗口 按Run没反应 按'+'添加运行规则总是显示JDK不能用,如图(Warning:No JDK specified for module 'xxxxx') 这个该怎么运行啊? 在项目上右键,选择Open Module Settings,在Project中设置相应的Project JDK就可以了,如图...
idea cannot start under java,查了一下网上啰嗦一大堆,搞得我都没看明白原因:jdk版本小于1.8解决:下载一个jdk1.8配上
no.jdk.specified.for.module.warning.text=No JDK specified for module ''{0}'' module.not.specified.error.text=Module not specified module.doesn.t.exist.in.project.error.text=Module ''{0}'' doesn''t exist in project run.configuration.unnamed.name.prefix=Unnamed ...
4:经常引入其他项目到idea下,第一次会遇到:Cannot start compilation: the output path is not specified for module “Test”. Specify the output path in Configure Project. 其实就是没有设置编译的class文件的存储路径。 修改如下:ctrl+alt+shift+s 打开project settings ...
eclipse项目转到idea下,JDK1.6, 编译报错,请高手指点 花心采蜜_ Information:java: Errors occurred while compiling module 'claim' Information:javac 6 was used to compile java sources Information:2018/9/15 0:33 - Compilation completed with 1 error and 0 warnings in 3 s 249 ms Error:java: Compil...
Name the new module. Select the build system that you want to use in your project: the native IntelliJ builder, Maven, or Gradle. For Gradle, you will also need to select a language for the build script: Groovy or Kotlin. Select a JDK that you want to use from the JDK list. You ...
An SDK is a collection of tools that you need to develop an application for a specific software framework. To develop Java-based applications, you need a JDK (Java Development Kit). You can compile a module with an SDK that differs from the project SDK. ...