前言 最近总遇到这个问题,记录一下: 左侧的project目录列表内,不将java类识别成蓝色的class,而显示成橙色的.java文件,并且maven Project 里面找不到这个模块。 找了三种方案。 解决方案 1 从目录列表将java文件夹加入root节点 邮件点击未被识别的java文件夹,然后选择Mark Dictionary as --> Sources Root 然... ...
idea添加目录时,Mark Directory as的几个选项详解 技术标签:日常头疼问题软件 最近改用idea开发项目,还是很不习惯,这里记录下一些开发的碰到的工具问题 这次新建springboot项目,但是没有webapp目录,添加目录后,把目录设置source类型,结果一直不生效(就跟idea启动时扫描不到似的),后面查找资料,才改过来了。 Sources Root...
resources文件夹上右键-Mark Dictionary As-Resource root试试 有用 回复 StrangeClow: 哪儿的resources呀 回复2017-06-22 Eden: @StrangeClow 项目下面的resources文件夹 回复2017-06-26 StrangeClow: 谢谢 回复2017-06-26 撰写回答 你尚未登录,登录后可以 和开发者交流问题的细节 关注并接收问题和回答的更...
Using Bullet Points ( • ) Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Popular in Wordplay See All Top 12 Sophisticated Compliments
IDEA中Mark Directory as对项目的任意目录进行标注,这个知识点很重要,必须Get到。1、Sources标注源代码文件夹包含应编译的生产代码,指定一个文件夹,告诉IntelliJIDEA此文件夹及其子文件夹中包含的源代码,可以编译为构建过程的一部分。有时不仅src 目录要可编译,还有其他一些特别的目录也许我们也要作为可编译的目录,就需...
do not use _test as lib - test targets do not support this Dec 16, 2024 .bazelversion jps bazel compiler - simplify and improve "mark dirty" logic in kotli… Feb 15, 2025 .editorconfig [Kotlin] Changed IntelliJ monorepo default Kotlin code style to be th… ...
, but I'm open to ideas.| the germ/glimmering of an ideaThe germ of his idea came from watching a bird make a nest.| have other ideasI wanted to take the week off, but my boss had other ideas.| it might be an ideaIt might be an idea to leave a note on the door for Mark...
'Where is Mark?' – 'Over there, by that big tree.' The driver swerved to avoid a large tree. A great tree had fallen across the river. 2. describing amounts When you are describing amounts, you usually use large. She made a very large amount of money. They export large quantities...
在项目上右键,选择 Open Module Settings,Mark as 中将源码目录src标注为Sources,这样就能找到源码目录了,也有有了Run选项。 或者直接在源码 src 根目录上右键 Mark Directory As -> Source Method breakpoints may dramatically slow down debugging debug 启动 spring boot 项目时,提示: Method breakpoints may dramati...
IDEA中Mark Directory as对项目的任意目录进行标注,这个知识点很重要,必须Get到。1、Sources标注源代码文件夹包含应编译的生产代码,指定一个文件夹,告诉IntelliJ IDEA此文件夹及其子文件夹中包含的源代码,可以编译为构建过程的一部分。有时不仅src 目录要可编译,还有其他一些特别的目录也许我们也要作为可编译的目录,就...