Exclude folders from indexing Right-click a folder in the Project tool window (Alt01). Select Mark Directory as | Excluded. Excluded folders are marked with the icon. You can also Exclude files and folders by name patterns. tip Marking folders as excluded doesn't affect deployment. For ...
反思原因,在新增模块时,模块中还没有xxx-core.iml文件时,我通过右键Make Directory As设置了Sources Root和Test Sources Root,由于还没生成模块的iml文件,所以这两个配置信息跑到项目的iml文件里,影响了后续模块的build。
How do I include/exclude files in a search? Why does my list<double> test hide the result in console? How to mark a directory as excluded from a project? Omitting files during Intellij Idea's Find Usage feature Question: When I choose a class or method in a Java source file and right...
If the Add packages as libraries is disabled, you can exclude the stubs package folder manually. To do this, in the Project view, right-click the vendor/jetbrains/phpstorm-stubs folder and select Mark Directory as | Excluded from the context menu. tip For more information about working with...
首先File->Project Structure,选择Modules, 选中,点击删除 重新add frameworks support添加,就有了scala选项 选中,点击ok 该目录下出现了scala-sdk说明添加成功 记得修改maven仓库为本地镜像 在main⽂件夹中建⽴⼀个名为 scala 的⽂件夹,并右键点击 scala ⽂件夹,选择 Make Directory as,然后选择Sources Root...
在项目上右键,选择 Open Module Settings,Mark as 中将源码目录src标注为Sources,这样就能找到源码目录了,也有有了Run选项。 或者直接在源码 src 根目录上右键 Mark Directory As -> Source Method breakpoints may dramatically slow down debugging debug 启动 spring boot 项目时,提示: Method breakpoints may dramati...
在项目上右键,选择 Open Module Settings,Mark as 中将源码目录src标注为Sources,这样就能找到源码目录了,也有有了Run选项。 或者直接在源码 src 根目录上右键 Mark Directory As -> Source Method breakpoints may dramatically slow down debugging debug 启动 spring boot 项目时,提示: Method breakpoints may dramati...
首先使用IDEA创建一个基于maven的web项目,创建完成后有如下结构,完整的项目目录如下注意java和resources文件夹颜色,如果不一致需要按如下处理选中java右键选择Make Directory as->Sources Root;java文件夹的颜色会发生变化同样选中resources文件夹Make Directory as->Resources Rootpom文件<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF...
python工程导入本地模块飘红mark directory as exclud后如何恢复 # 如何恢复Python工程导入本地模块飘红mark directory as exclude后的问题在开发Python项目时,我们经常会遇到需要导入本地模块的情况。然而,有时候在使用IDE(如PyCharm)时,我们可能会不小心将某个目录标记为exclude,导致无法正确导入本地模块,出现飘红的情况...
Hey, VSCode supports search.exclude configuration in settings.json file. Something like this: // Configure glob patterns for excluding...