Ultimate 在IntelliJ IDEA 2023.2 中,我们增强了 IntelliJ 分析器,为应用程序性能提供更有价值且易于理解的洞察。 新的编辑器内提示可供快速逐行分析代码性能,帮助您更快识别和解决问题。 编辑器装订区域中的颜色编码注解可以高亮显示关键方法,让您专注于性能瓶颈。 因此,您不再需要使用Flame Graph(火焰图)和Call Tree...
2023.2可有选择提交代码区块的特定部分。 要执行部分提交,请选择区块中的行,然后从上下文菜单中调用Include these lines into commit(将所选行包含到提交中)。 区块将被分为单独的行,所选行将被高亮显示。 可使用复选框或上下文菜单在选区中添加或排除行。 7 性能 7.1 轻松生成共享索引的新工具 2023.2 提供新的...
IDEA GIT Commit failed 报错 use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed IntelliJ IDEA 2020.3.2 使用git提交代码到本地仓库,同事push到gitlab上时。其他文件都提交成功,一个文件报了如下错误。 2|0# 二. 排查原因 看报错,我去 git add了无法commit 的文件。结果依旧无法commit 百度...
要启用此功能,首先打开 _Project_(项目)视图中的竖三点菜单,然后选择 _Tree Appearance | Sort by Modification Time_(树外观 | 按修改时间排序)。 新UI 中带有浅色标题的浅色主题 在v2023.2 中,我们通过引入替代的 _Light with Light Header_(带有浅色标题的浅色主题)选项提升了_浅色_主题的用户体验,该选项可...
Include into commit Alt+I This checkbox only appears if you invoke the Diff Viewer from the Commit Changes dialog with multiple changed files (all of which are deselected), and you explore the differences between them and hit the last difference in a file. Select this checkbox if you want ...
The upcoming IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2 will come with a cool new feature: the IDE will remind you to include into a commit the files you commonly modify, together with the files you’re currently committing. Prompt to add files to the version control that were copied into a project externally ...
commit.dialog.no.changes.detected.text=No changes detected commit.dialog.no.changes.detected.title=Nothing to Commit commit.dialog.title=Commit Changes commit.dialog.default.commit.operation.name=Comm&it commit.dialog.include.action.name=&Include into commit commit.dialog.failed.commit.template=...
}publicintadd(UserEntity entity)throwsException {//调用数据库操作函数后需要commit才会提交intresult =mapper.add(entity); sqlSession.commit();returnresult; }publicintdelete(intid)throwsException {intresult =mapper.delete(id); sqlSession.commit();returnresult; ...
This branch is 69078 commits behind JetBrains/intellij-community:master.Folders and files Latest commit bulenkovand intellij-monorepo-bot IDEA-291282 UI key for breakpoint transparency on hover 47115c0· History369,172 Commits .idea update libs RegExpSupport Unnecessary fully-qualified names removed ...
这将使包含 Go 模板 include 的代码更易处理。7、ConfigMap 资源中的语言注入 ULTIMATE现在支持在 ConfigMap 资源中为带有 .yaml、.json、.properties 等扩展名的键自动注入语言代码。 注入的代码段以绿色高亮显示,支持代码洞察功能,包括代码补全、错误高亮显示等。8、重复最新命令 ULTIMATE现在,可以从 Services(服务)...