修改IDEA的Maven配置,增大堆内存配置 Preferences -> Build,Execution,Deployment -> Build Tools -> Maven -> Importing中 VM options for importer:-Xmx1024m 删除打开项目时IDEA自动生成的.mvn目录 File -> New -> Project from Existing Sources打开项目即可 参考: IDEA2020.2.3 "reading maven projects"卡住的...
idea中importing maven projects idea中importing maven projects 在IntelliJ IDEA中导入Maven项目是一个简单而常见的任务。以下是一般的步骤:1. 打开 IntelliJ IDEA:•打开 IntelliJ IDEA,并确保你已经安装了Maven插件。2. 选择导入项目:•在欢迎屏幕或主界面上,选择 "Import Project" 或 "File" > "New" >...
1.File -->Settings -->Maven -->importing( 勾选上 Sources 和 Documentation) 2.右键项目的pom.xml -->Maven–>Reimport 3.窗口右边点击Maven Projects完成下图即可
Maven projects need to be imported! Changes,当在pom.xml修改后,该界面会再次出现,即只要修改pom.xml就需要点击一次ImportChanges. 2、点击EnableAuto-Import,在修改pom.xml文件后,IntelliJIDEA会自动加载修改后的pom.xml. 3、也可以设置maven为自动导包,即自动选择 EnableAuto-import。
I got an error when importing sofa-boot to idea (2019.2), though maven compile is ok. Cannot resolve plugin org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin:<unknown> Is it appropriate to add a pluginManagement to sofa-boot-samples pom.xml or any suggestion to solve this error? e.g. ...
Eclipse导入Maven项目出现错误:Unsupported IClasspathEntry kind=4 使用Eclipse导入Maven项目失败,提示: An internal error occurred during: "Importing Maven projects". Unsupported IClasspathEntry kind=4 修复这个问题须要做两件事 1.保证m2e插件的版本号高于 1.1.0.假设没有则到网站升级 : https://repository....
Cannot connect to the Maven process. Try again later. If the problem persists, check the Maven Importing JDK settings and restart...