org.gradle.internal.resolve.ArtifactResolveException: Could not download junit.jar (junit:junit:4.12): No cached version available for offline mode 出现以上错误其次还有一些连带问题就是 创建的Gradle项目没有src和resource目录 一同出现的状况是引入了新依赖,并且点击了右下角的import依赖后运行,没有当前依赖报...
3. IDEA 虚拟机配置调整 1. No cached version available for offline mode 错误 1.1 问题场景 导入gradle 项目到 IDEA,jar 包依赖一直有问题。在 IDEA 里面鼓捣了半天 gradle 配置,但是下载依赖的 jar 包时冒出了一个No cached version available for offline mode错误,如下图所示 1.2 解决方式 提示的信息很清...
gradle:4.4.1 执行命令:gradle clean public --refresh-dependencies 报错如下: 1 2 3 Execution failed for task ':publishTspPublicationToMavenRepository'. > Failed to publish publication 'tsp' to repository 'maven' > No cached resource 'http://xxx/maven-metadata.xml' available for offline mode. ...
在Maven工具窗口中,单击The Toggle Offline Mode按钮。 这将把--offline项附加到IntelliJ IDEA运行的所有Maven命令中,它还将报告在本地存储库中找不到的任何项。 Gradle依赖关系 默认情况下,Gradle会连接到远程存储库,并在每次启动时检查更新。解决Gradle依赖可能需要下载新的构件,如果您想让Gradle只使用本地可用的资...
那就不要用IntelliJ内置的,自己下个gradle4.2然后创建项目的时候用offline mode+local gradle ...
Access:Settings / Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Build Tools | Gradle Use this page to configure settings for Gradle projects that werecreated,opened, orlinked. To configure the offline mode, refer to theGradle tool window. If you need to add VM options, refer to theGradle VM...
Open an existing Gradle project note If you have theoffline modeenabled in your project, the opening or re-importing of the project might fail. To fix the issue, disable the offline mode andre-importyour project. If no project is currently opened in IntelliJ IDEA, clickOpenon the welcome...
根据Atom的插件activate-power-mode的效果移植到IDEA上,打字有 动画特效 Jrebel 热部署 神器 最后别忘...
If you want to run a custom Gradle command, use the new corresponding button on the toolbar: For those who’d like to work with Gradle projects in the offline mode (without an Internet connection), we’ve added the corresponding option to the toolbar. ...
就是idea里面的settings/build tools/gradle里面的offline work不能勾选,我反复确认我这些东西都搞好了,jdk和gradle换了几个版本也没用,楼主说的卸载idea我也干了,还是没用,楼主也说过了这个项目之前是没有问题的,所以我猜测问题不是出在了配置文件而是外部,我理解的gradle就是一个jar包管理器,我发现我的项目里面...