You can clone arepositorythat you want to contribute to directly from IntelliJ IDEA and create a new project based on it. In the main menu, go toGit | Clone. If theGitmenu is not available, chooseVCS | Get from Version Control.
三、拉取一个远程项目到本地,这里以JAVAEE项目举例 1、打开IDEA,在选择项目时,点击从VCS获取 2、选择自己的git账号,选择对应的项目,以及要放置的目录,点击Clone 3、如果跳出是否信任界面,点击信任 4、然后项目就拉取好了 四、上传代码 1、新增的代码,会跳出是否添加到git,如果想上传的话,可以点添加 2、或者可...
项目创建好后,选择VCS,点击Get from VersionControl,由于IDEA的配置不同,该按钮的位置可能会出现变化,需要仔细甄别。 将刚才复制的链接粘贴在URL的地方,选择下载项目的目录,进行Clone。 等网速飞一会儿。 下载好后发现并不我们刚才看到的项目,可能是因为平台仓库设置的默认分支不是我们想要的分支,我们需要在IDEA中获取...
git clone 執行下列命令以切換至 DeepSpace 資料夾。 複製 cd DeepSpace 讓此視窗保持開啟,因為您將用於後續步驟。 下載DeepSpace範例程式代碼,並將其解壓縮到您複製DeepSpace存放庫之電腦上的本機目錄。 切換回 Git 命令視窗,然後執行下列...
在IntelliJ中,我试图通过VCS > GIT > Remotes连接到远程存储库,并添加了 SSH条目。另外,在Android中,我无法连接到远程存储库。解决方案:感谢VonC。我在Gitlab.com注册的SSH密钥位于我的c:\users\myusername.ssh文件夹中。通过Turtoise和GIT,我可以直接引用这些文件。 Android和IDE都使用%HOME%文件夹...
IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition requires additional Android modules from separate Git repositories. To clone these repositories, run one of the getPlugins scripts located in the <IDEA_HOME> directory. These scripts clone their respective master branches. for Linux or macOS. getPlugins....
at com.intellij.openapi.client.ClientAwareComponentManager.getFromSelfOrCurrentSession(ClientAwareComponentManager.kt:37) at com.intellij.openapi.client.ClientAwareComponentManager.getService(ClientAwareComponentManager.kt:22) at com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.ManagingFS$ManagingFSHolder.<clinit>(ManagingFS...
ClickShareand copy the link underclone with git. Go to IntelliJ and click File - New - Project from VCS - git Paste the url here, and choose the parent directory you want. If you are asked by IntelliJDo you want to add this file to git?, just clicknowhen you do not recognize the...
For a few weeks, I have not been able to clone new Mercurial repositories in PyCharm. Cloning still works using the underlying hg command line utility. Committing to repositories works in PyCharm. But whenever I push the changes to the server I get a message saying 'nothing to push'. ...