IntelliJ IDEA can generate import statements for modules, classes, components, and any other TypeScript symbols that are exported. By default, IntelliJ IDEA adds import statements when you complete TypeScript symbols. See Auto import to learn how to optimize import statements and configure their styl...
Messages.showMessageDialog(project, "Please focus on a class", "Generate Failed", null); return; } 获取当前类文件的所有类对象 一个类文件中可能会有内部类,所以读取的时候返回的是一个列表 public static List<PsiClass> getClasses(PsiElement element) { List<PsiClass>elements= Lists.newArrayList();...
<actions> <group id="" popup="true"> <separator/> <!-- Add your actions here --> <action id="com.zitiger.plugin.converter.action.generator" class="com.zitiger.plugin.converter.action.ConvertGeneratorAction" text="Smart Converter" description="Smart...
IntelliJ IDEA lets you generate a diagram on a package in your project. Such diagrams always reflect the structure of actual classes and methods in your application. note IntelliJ IDEA supports creating and managing UML class diagrams for Kotlin the same way it does for Java. ...
src 实现插件功能的classes resources/META-INF/plugin.xml 插件的配置文件,指定插件名称、描述、版本号、支持的 IntelliJ IDEA 版本、插件的 components 和 actions 以及软件商等信息。 3、plugin.xml 下面示例描述了可在 plugin.xml 文件配置的主要元素:
We’ve streamlined UUID management with a newGenerate UUIDaction, an option to edit columns with UUIDs, and validation of UUID columns during editing for PostgreSQL users. The new IDE version eliminates the need to manually select sessions, streamlining query execution. ...
For this release, we’ve implemented several enhancements aimed at simplifying UUID management. As part of these efforts, we’ve introduced a newGenerate UUIDaction. Additionally, you now can edit columns containing UUIDs, including those represented bybinary(16),blob(16), and similar types. For...
PsiClass psiClass = shortNamesCache.getClassesByName(className, GlobalSearchScope.projectScope(project))[0]; Optional.ofNullable(psiClass).ifPresent(p->{ NavigationGutterIconBuilder<PsiElement> builder = NavigationGutterIconBuilder .create(AllIcons.Actions.Back) ...
A plugin that can automatically generate entity classes based on JSON strings, supports Lombok. Select the class name, right-click to generate, and enter the JSON string to quickly generate the corresponding entity class. Json Parser A simple and compact JSON formatting plugin, are you still usin...
4.0.2 Fixed: Module classpath should only expose classes, not resources (#56). 4.0.2 Fixed: IllegalArgumentException sometimes thrown by CheckerFactory.getConfig (#55). 4.0.2 Fixed: ToolWindow icon is now 13x13 pixels (#52). 4.0.1 Fixed: NPE on Checker lookup (#49). 4.0.1 Fixed: ...