提交时出现如下提示,表示我们的提交申请不被接受,也就是项目没有提交到github上。 push to origin/master was rejected 解决办法: 在idea软件中点击下图2的红框中的选项,依次执行如下命令,然后执行如图1的操作,就会出现Everything is up-to-date(所有的文件都是最新的),表示你本地仓库中的项目已经提交到gthub上...
Switched to branch 'master' Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. 将新分支提交的改动合并到主分支上 git merge newBranch Already up to date. PS D:\p8-repo\p8-orderTest1> git push -u origin master Everything up-to-date branch 'master' set up to track 'origin/master'. 最后...
18 【英语听力】听故事练听力|超适合做dictation的磨耳朵英语小故事my bf is spying on me 10:02 听故事练听力|磨耳朵英语小故事I have been in a coma for years, i could hear everything 10:33 听故事练听力|磨耳朵英语小故事I have been in a coma for years, i could hear everything - part2...
On branch main Your branch is up todatewith'origin/main'. Changes to be committed: (use"git restore --staged <file>..."to unstage) modified: README.md F:\git_code\hadoop-study>git push Everything up-to-date 解决办法:每次提交都要使用 git commit -m "XXX" http://www.cnblogs.com/s...
working copy is notup-to-date:SVN 本文向大家讲解的是SVN提交错误:working copy is notup-to-date解决方team,然后选择先更新,然后再提交。这样就好了。... svn 解决方法 原创 freeAngus 2022-10-09 22:12:32 108阅读 Git版本控制Everythingup-to-date ...
不得不说,一顿瞎点,猛然回首,Idea的File一栏直接干没了,找了一堆无聊的博客,好在遇见了Idea主菜单栏不见了(File,View等工具栏隐藏了)解决方法。 更改配置文件 有趣的是,我用everything没找到这个文件,结果发现这是l,不是大写的I,>﹏<,所以并不是everything不好用,而是我把字母看错了... ...
Everything in its place Weather doodle drawings Window decorations with an autumnal theme A favourite cup Boho chic décor Bag with flower pattern Feast your eyes on this! Table mats in shades of lilac From white to bright! Creative text dividers Funny animal face masks Creative flower vase Colo...
IntelliJIDEA删除自定义的Maven框架依赖IntelliJIdea中添加MavenArchetype,但是IntelliJIdea中并没有提供删除的方法。 windows中可以通过下面方式删除Maven框架可以使用Everything全局搜索,或者在idea安装的目录 然后删除UserArchetypes.xml中对应的就可以 Intellij IDEA入门到精通(一)课程发布了 ...
I think for other applications I've used, checkmarks have been used to indicate that everything is up-to-date, which is why I have that association. Maybe for the kernel indicator, it would be better to just have no indicator when it's idle? Then it's more obvious when it's ...
we have been growing up day by day. In this beautiful season, we said goodbye to the past. We have to bid farewell to the naive idea of farewell to dependence on the family. We should face the future alone, we have to become brave and strong. We have to do everything on its own...