在设置页面中,选择“Build, Execution, Deployment” -> “Build Tools” -> “Maven”。在Maven设置中,找到“Download pre-built shared indexes for JDK and Maven libraries”选项。勾选该选项后,IDEA会自动下载预构建的共享索引。这些索引文件包含了JDK和Maven库的元数据,可以帮助IDEA更快地建立索引。一旦索引建...
Reduce the indexing time and CPU load with pre-built JDK shared indexes 1. 解决方法: idea为了能够更快的使用共享索引,会下载JDK和Maven库的共享索引,给你的的项目代码构建共享索引。要关掉的也可以,File–》 Settings–》Tools –》 Shared Indexes,改成: Ask before download, 或者 Don’t download, use...
idea取消pre-built 这个idea为了能够更快的使用共享索引,会下载JDK和Maven库的共享索引,给你的的项目代码构建共享索引。 是可以关掉的。 第一步: file | settings | tools | shared indexs, jdks: 选择 don’t download,use local indexes。 maven libraries:选择 don’t download,use local indexes。 第二步...
关闭Download pre-built shared indexes Pre Tools - Shared Indexes File - Invalidate Caches - Invalidate and Restart 注意:亲测,关闭后每次打开IDEA刚开始一分多钟都会占用大量CPU资源,问就是在构建本地索引,但是构建完毕后CPU占用会迅速降低,介意的可以忽略。 IDEA为了能够更快的使用共享索引,会下载JDK和Maven库...
Downloaded prebuilt shared indexes Modified .vmoptions and added -Dsun.java2d.opengl=true-Dsun.java2d.opengl.fbobject=false Disabled Smooth scrolling I'm not using external display, mac is connected to power outlet Here is my environment:MyEnvoyAir ...
IntelliJ IDEA will build indexes locally for your JDK and also use any pre-built JDK shared indexes it can to speed up the indexing process. The IDE comes bundled with the pre-built shared indexes for the three latest long-term support JDKs. ...
IDEA2020.3.4设置优化 IDEA2020.3.4设置优化最后编辑时间:2022年1⽉20⽇05:32:56 主题 Appearance & Behavior - Appearance 取消软件⾃动更新 Appearance & Behavior - System Settings - Updates 字体设置 Editor - Font 设置⿏标滚轮修改字体⼤⼩ Editor - General ...
输入命令taskkill /f /pid pid 其中最后的pid是通过上面命令查出来的进程号download pre-built shared indexes是什么意思?用来减少索引时间,可在setting->tools->shared indexes中设置。如果索引异常可以通过file->invalidate caches来清理缓存与索引,选择clear downloaded shared indexes...
You can easily try this plugin out by downloading pre-built shared indexes for JDKs that are available from right inside IntelliJ IDEA. If we detect that the CDN contains a shared index for the selected JDK, the IDE will ask you if you want to download it. You can choose to download ...
Every time I open the IDE, it is showing me an option to download pre-built shared indexes which is saying will reduce the indexing time and cpu load with pre-built jdk shared indexes. Now if I download that will it make problems like automatically write